Choosing a Switchvox Phone System
A Switchvox phone system is the tool that small and medium businesses need to keep their edge against larger competitors. If you are a business owner, you know that competition can be stiff. But with Switchvox, you’ll be ahead of the curve. Switchvox is Digium’s family of VoIP phone systems— Voice over Internet Protocol. Their target is small and medium businesses looking for an easy and affordable design to help make running a business more efficient. There are a variety of reasons Switchvox is one of the leading VoIP solutions in the business world.- Easy to use: It is a very user-friendly interface with little setup time.
- Cost Effective: A Switchvox phone system costs less than a traditional PBX. It has no additional setup costs, and there is no maintenance cost once it is installed.
- Resourceful: Digium designed Switchvox with business owners in mind. It has a powerful functionality and a full feature set. It fits the needs of any size business by having the ability to be utilized in a virtual capacity.
- You’re in Control: Switchvox is easily managed with the Switchboard and allows business owners the flexibility they need as they use it to keep their office consistently connected.
- Flexibility: With a Switchvox phone system, you aren’t geographically bound to your office as a business owner. You can quickly and easily take calls on your laptop no matter where you are and forward them to your cell phone.

Tags: phone, phone system, Switchvox, technology, voip, WesTec, WesTec Services