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Best Awareness Training Topics: Company Security

Archive for August 3, 2023

Best Awareness Training Topics: Company Security

Human errors can happen, and can be the cause of up to 95% of cybersecurity related breaches. With that being said, the best way to prevent these mistakes would be to implement solid training to your employees. The purpose of training is to strengthen your team’s knowledge and awareness of modern threats and how to combat them properly. Regular training will keep your employees up to date, helping your company steer clear of most errors. To achieve this, here are some of the best awareness training topics to consider.


Phishing Attacks

Phishing attacks impersonate the company or professional you work for, luring users to click on suspicious links. Many attempts in the past have been easier to recognize, but phishing attacks have become more intelligent overtime. They pose a great threat due to how believable they can be, and can cause a cyber attack if fallen for. Train your employees on this subject to help them identify suspicious activity, messages, or attachments.


Passwords and Authentication

Passwords can seem like a simple log-in element, but they are what protects your company’s security. If you use a common or easily guessed password, you are putting yourself at risk for a cyber attack. Cyber criminals will attempt to log into your accounts in hopes of gaining access to your sensitive information. Bring this to your employees’s attention through complex training, reminding them of the importance of updating their work passwords. Authentication methods can be made more secure by adding questions that the employee will only know the answer to. Express the significance of passwords and why you should always keep them confidential.


Remote Work

Working remotely is a great way to meet a well balanced lifestyle between work and social life. However, utilizing personal devices can increase the risk of a security breach. Make sure your remote employees are trained to understand the importance of installing antivirus software to home laptops to prevent cyber attacks. It is also important to never leave your device unattended when containing important company files. To successfully work remotely without risking data security, educate your staff to be aware of these dangers.

Your security is to be protected, so administering training will improve standards of the company as a whole. If you have any questions about our IT services, contact us today! Follow us on Facebook to keep up with our latest blogs!

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