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Rising IT Trends

The world of technology is constantly changing and evolving. Businesses that are able to adapt and utilize emerging technologies will gain an edge over competitors. Read on to learn about a few emerging technologies and IT trends.

Cloud Technology

Cloud technology is becoming increasingly important in IT and data storage. With the rise of remote and hybrid work, storing data in the cloud allows for easy access anywhere. While storing data in a cloud server has its cybersecurity risks, the convenience and ease is increasing in popularity.

Additionally, companies are choosing to use cloud networks because it saves a vast amount of physical space. Previously, server rooms took up a large amount of space in the offices of many companies. With cloud storage, data is primarily stored off-site and allows that space to be used for other purposes. Cloud storage is becoming increasingly popular and is a trend that businesses should think about utilizing.

Cybersecurity Importance

Cybersecurity is more important than ever in the digital age where cyberattacks are rising in occurrence. Data breaches are a threat to many businesses and should be taken seriously. Cyber threats can cost large companies time and money. It often takes a long time to get servers up and running after a cyberattack and it could cost even more money to strengthen security.

Businesses are choosing to spend more money on cybersecurity to combat this rising trend of cyberattacks. Antivirus software, cloud security, and security systems in general are important for businesses to protect their data and their customers’ data. WesTec has backup and disaster recovery services available for businesses. Contact us today to ensure your data is safe and secure.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial intelligence has become a hot topic of conversation in most industries, and IT is no exception. AI is expanding and has many uses in the IT industry. While many are skeptical about the usage and safety of AI, its uses in the IT industry could be beneficial for many businesses.

AI can be useful in cybersecurity as it can detect threats in real time. Additionally, it is always active so it can monitor and detect threats outside of normal business hours. It can also identify patterns in data that may indicate a potential threat. AI is still in its infancy, so being cautious about its usage is smart. However, integrating it into a business can be useful for many everyday tasks and problems.

Sustainability in Tech

Sustainability has been at the forefront of many industries in recent years, including technology. While the IT industry is primarily digital, the design and disposal of electronics like computers has become a popular topic. Technology is always evolving at a rapid pace, which can increase waste when consumers upgrade to the newest device. These products are now being designed in a sustainable manner and sustainable disposal of electronic waste is encouraged. 

The world of IT is evolving at an unprecedented pace and being driven by the rise of emerging technologies. Businesses that embrace these trends stand to gain a competitive edge, unlocking new possibilities and efficiencies. As we navigate the future of IT, staying informed and adapting to these transformative technologies will be crucial for organizations and individuals alike. Learn about which of our IT services may suit your business’s needs the best. If you have any questions about our IT services, contact us today! Follow us on Facebook to keep up with our latest blogs!

Why Businesses Should Invest in Network Security

Network security is essential for all businesses. In general, network security is a combination of software, technologies, and policies that all work together to keep a business safe from cyber-attacks. Cybersecurity is something that should not be overlooked especially in a time where cyber crimes are common. Read on to discover WesTec’s tips for investing in network security for your business.

Antivirus Software

Various antivirus software systems are available that suit different types of businesses. Businesses that store sensitive information may need stronger and more advanced antivirus software than others. Generally, basic antivirus software that covers every computer in an organization is a good idea to prevent viruses.


If team members work remotely, a VPN (virtual private network) is a good idea. Especially if working from a public wifi like at a cafe, it is essential to use a VPN. Public wifi networks are the most vulnerable to cyber-attacks and the easiest to hack. Even if team members work from home, it is still a good idea to invest in a VPN that all employees can use to prevent information loss. 

Controlling Access

Having a record of all devices that are logged into your company’s network is important to ensure that access is not compromised. Investing in a two-factor authentication app or utilizing the TFA settings within an account is an effective way to prevent unauthorized access to your company’s network and information.

Email Filters

Ensuring that all emails are managed under the same domain and spam emails are filtered is an effective way to ensure that employees do not click unknown links. Email filters are simple and free to set up, making this an accessible security task. Additionally, creating emails with the same domain is simple, regardless of which email system a company uses. Additionally, providing employees with training is an effective way to invest in the security of a company’s network.

WesTec’s IT consultants are knowledgeable in numerous areas of technology and are there every step of the way to ensure your company’s network is secure. 

The world of IT is evolving at an unprecedented pace and being driven by the rise of emerging technologies. Businesses that embrace these trends stand to gain a competitive edge, unlocking new possibilities and efficiencies. As we navigate the future of IT, staying informed and adapting to these transformative technologies will be crucial for organizations and individuals alike. Learn about which of our IT services may suit your business’s needs the best. If you have any questions about our IT services, contact us today! Follow us on Facebook to keep up with our latest blogs!

Essential Cybersecurity Practices for Small Businesses

Small businesses are an essential and often beloved part of communities. However, their size and statistically weaker security measures put them at risk for cyber attacks. Read on to learn helpful tips to protect small businesses from losing important data or customer information.

Limit Access to Information

As a business with a small number of employees, it can be easy to provide everyone in the organization with access to all data. However, it is essential to keep track of who has access to what information to reduce the risk of hackers preying on employees. Employees should only have access to data that is essential to their role and should not be able to install software without permission. This ensures that employees do not accidentally install software that contains malware or mistakenly fall for a phishing attempt.

Secure Wifi Networks

Having an encrypted and password-protected wifi network is essential for protecting any business from attacks. If your business has a public wifi network for customers, consider having a second protected network for things like cash registers or computers that store important data. Wifi networks can even be hidden from the public in instances like these, so taking this step can further reduce the risk of someone unknown connecting to the network that powers computers with sensitive data.

Training Employees

Creating data protection guidelines for employees to follow is essential in protecting important data. This can be password regulations, anti-virus software on computers, and training sessions to ensure employees know how to spot various cybersecurity threats. Protecting data in a small business is everyone’s responsibility, so it is important to ensure that everyone in an organization is properly trained and educated about cyber risks.

Consult with Cybersecurity Experts

Consulting with experts in the cybersecurity field is essential in protecting businesses. There are many cyber threats beyond the obvious phishing and hacking attempts. 41% of small business owners believe that cyber-attacks only happen to larger businesses, but 41% of small businesses have been victims of cyber attacks. Small businesses are much more vulnerable than larger businesses, so consulting with professionals is essential to ensure the security of a small business’ data.

The world of IT is evolving at an unprecedented pace and being driven by the rise of emerging technologies. Businesses that embrace these trends stand to gain a competitive edge, unlocking new possibilities and efficiencies. As we navigate the future of IT, staying informed and adapting to these transformative technologies will be crucial for organizations and individuals alike. Learn about which of our IT services may suit your business’s needs the best. If you have any questions about our IT services, contact us today! Follow us on Facebook to keep up with our latest blogs!

How to Protect Data in Remote Work

Data protection is more important than ever as data leaks and hacks are becoming more and more common. As remote work has risen in popularity, the job market has proven that this form of work environment is here to stay. It can be difficult to keep track of a company’s data when employees are in different locations, but having proper standards and procedures in place can help ensure data is protected.

Use a Virtual Private Network (VPN)

Working from a public location through public wifi, such as a cafe, has more risks involved with security. A VPN connects through a secure server and adds another layer of security, especially when working through an open network like public wifi. Even though a VPN is most useful for public wifi networks, it can also be a good idea to err on the side of caution and use one while working from home.

Keep Work and Personal Separate

Setting clear boundaries and using a work-designated computer is one of the best ways to ensure that sensitive company data is protected when working remotely. If this isn’t an option, having separate profiles on a computer for work and personal can help achieve this separation as well. Additionally, if using a personal device is necessary, keeping it up to date is vitally important.

A personal computer isn’t connected to a company’s network so it likely won’t have the same antivirus software and other safeguards. Additionally, companies are able to push updates onto all company-owned devices, but it’s often not possible to do this with an employee’s personal computer. Ensuring that software is up to date is an important step in ensuring that data is protected when an employee isn’t physically in the office.

Employee Training

Ensuring that employees have adequate training is important in all aspects of a business, especially data protection. Some employees may not know the importance of these policies, so training is important when working remotely because they no longer have IT nearby.

These regular training sessions may include things like how to spot phishing emails, how to use a password manager, and how to set software to automatically update. Adequate employee training is essential to ensure that a company is safe from cyber threats.

Reliable Network

Ensuring that employees have a reliable network, whether in-office or remotely, is important. WesTec offers free computer network health check audits to see if a network is properly maintained for maximum speed, security, and performance. We can also provide guidance on remote access technology as well as upgrades of a computer system.

The world of IT is evolving at an unprecedented pace and being driven by the rise of emerging technologies. Businesses that embrace these trends stand to gain a competitive edge, unlocking new possibilities and efficiencies. As we navigate the future of IT, staying informed and adapting to these transformative technologies will be crucial for organizations and individuals alike. Learn about which of our IT services may suit your business’s needs the best. If you have any questions about our IT services, contact us today! Follow us on Facebook to keep up with our latest blogs!

The Importance of Password Variety

A strong password is the key to protecting your business’ information. However, it is also important to not use the same password for everything in an organization. If one password is guessed, that could allow access to an entire system.

An easy way to have password variety is to have different passwords for different programs or systems. Each computer should have a different password, and the more sensitive the information is, the more complex the password should be. Using common words is also a sign of a weak password and should be avoided.

It is important to not leave passwords on notes in an office where they are easily accessible. If passwords are difficult to remember, consider saving them to a computer browser but keeping the password to the computer hidden. Additionally, using the strong password that a browser or other program recommends may be a good option. A password manager is also a very helpful tool that stores passwords with the input of a primary password. However, in using a password manager, be sure that the primary password is also strong.

If using a password manager is not an option and remembering a password is an issue, consider using abbreviations for something memorable. Replacing letters with numbers or special characters in a common phrase is an easy way to have a complex yet memorable password.

A good password is usually within 8-12 characters and has plenty of special characters such as a hashtag, question mark, or an exclamation point. A complex password is the safest because hackers generally cycle through simple words to gain access to a system.

All in all, having password variety is a great practice to protect your business’ important data.

The world of IT is evolving at an unprecedented pace and being driven by the rise of emerging technologies. Businesses that embrace these trends stand to gain a competitive edge, unlocking new possibilities and efficiencies. As we navigate the future of IT, staying informed and adapting to these transformative technologies will be crucial for organizations and individuals alike. Learn about which of our IT services may suit your business’s needs the best. If you have any questions about our IT services, contact us today! Follow us on Facebook to keep up with our latest blogs!

How to Recognize Phishing Attempts


Phishing is a strategy that scammers use to gather personal information and attempt to insert malware into computers. Scammers commonly pose as a major company or an individual within a user’s company. Phishing can be harmful, but there are common signs to look out for to avoid theft of personal information. 


Phishing emails can impersonate major companies or individuals within an organization, but there will usually be obvious misspellings. These mistakes can range from improper grammar within the body of the email or a slight misspelling in the person’s email address. At first glance, it may look like a company email address, but be sure to double-check the address before responding to an email from someone unknown.


Additionally, phishing emails rely on users clicking links within the email to steal personal information. The links could be for invoice numbers, “suspicious login attempts,” or requesting confirmation of financial information. These are all prime ways to steal financial or login information. Be wary of links and only click them if it’s from a trustworthy sender.

No Personalization

Generally, if a company sends an email requesting confirmation of some kind, it will probably be personalized for the recipient. Scammers don’t know personal information unless it’s given to them so emails will generally have generic greetings without any identifying information. Real companies will not request financial or login information via email, as it is not secure.

The world of IT is evolving at an unprecedented pace and being driven by the rise of emerging technologies. Businesses that embrace these trends stand to gain a competitive edge, unlocking new possibilities and efficiencies. As we navigate the future of IT, staying informed and adapting to these transformative technologies will be crucial for organizations and individuals alike. Learn about which of our IT services may suit your business’s needs the best. If you have any questions about our IT services, contact us today! Follow us on Facebook to keep up with our latest blogs!


Why Should You Invest in Video Surveillance?

In an era where security concerns are at the forefront of priorities, investing in advanced technologies such as video surveillance has become imperative. Video surveillance has emerged as a powerful tool for enhancing security measures, offering a wide range of benefits that extend beyond simple monitoring. Whether you are a homeowner or a business, security should be a pressing concern for your property. Those looking to strengthen their security measures should always consider video surveillance for multiple reasons we will explore in this article.

First and foremost, the mere presence of visible video surveillance cameras acts as a strong deterrent to criminal activity. Potential intruders, vandals, and trespassers are less likely to target a property that is equipped with surveillance systems, knowing that their actions are being recorded. The proactive nature of video surveillance helps prevent crimes before they occur, creating a safer environment for both physical assets and individuals. In cases like these, video surveillance acts as a preventative measure to any harm that could occur on your property. 

In the unfortunate event of criminal activity, accidents, or disputes, video surveillance serves as a crucial tool for documentation and evidence collection. High-quality video footage can help law enforcement and legal authorities in investigating incidents, identifying culprits, and establishing the facts surrounding an event. This evidentiary support can be the key piece in resolving disputes and ensuring justice. 

All of these advantages lead to another one which is the overall feeling of safety to those on the premises being secured. Video surveillance provides an extensive means of monitoring and safeguarding spaces, promoting a sense of safety among occupants. In the event of an emergency or security threat, real-time monitoring allows for swift responses, enabling security personnel or authorities to address situations promptly. Advancements in technology have promoted these quick responses with the integration of security systems with remote monitoring capabilities. This allows users to access live feeds and recorded footage from their smartphones, tablets, or computers, providing real-time visibility into their premises. Whether monitoring a business, residence, or public space, remote accessibility enhances situational awareness and enables timely decision-making, regardless of physical location.

Investing in video surveillance is an essential step toward reinforcing security measures and addressing the evolving challenges of today’s world. From deterring criminal activity and enhancing safety to providing documented evidence and supporting remote monitoring, video surveillance offers a well-rounded approach to security. As technology continues to advance, these systems will play an increasingly vital role in safeguarding assets, individuals, and the overall well-being of communities. Learn about which of our IT services may suit your business’s needs the best. If you have any questions about our IT services, contact us today! Follow us on Facebook to keep up with our latest blogs!

Emerging Technologies and Trends in IT

The world of Information Technology (IT) is constantly evolving which makes staying on top of emerging technologies and trends crucial for businesses. Several new, groundbreaking innovations are reshaping IT every day and making advancements in many industries. It is important to stay updated on what these trends are in order to find out how they can be applied to your business and its operations. This article will cover five emerging technologies and trends that are just on the horizon for IT.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning continue to be at the forefront of technological advancements. These technologies enable machines to learn and make decisions, mimicking human intelligence. In the IT realm, AI and ML are being harnessed for data analytics, predictive modeling, and automation. From chatbots providing customer support to predictive maintenance in industries, the applications are vast and continually expanding. 

Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Robotic Process Automation involves the use of software robots to automate repetitive and rule-based tasks. This technology streamlines business processes which improves efficiency and significantly reduces the risk of human error. From data entry to customer service, RPA is transforming how organizations handle routine tasks and making business easier for many. 

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)

AR and VR technologies are going beyond entertainment and gaming by finding applications in various industries. From virtual training environments to immersive customer experiences, AR and VR are transforming the way businesses engage with their audiences and employees. Using this technology for a variety of simulations is just the beginning of the many applications possible.

5G Technology

The rise of 5G networks is accelerating the connectivity of devices and systems. As a result, high-speed communication with little delay is more accessible to businesses. With faster and more reliable internet connections, 5G enables the widespread adoption of IoT (Internet of Things) devices, smart cities, and augmented reality applications, transforming the way we live and work. 

Cybersecurity Advancements

With the increasing frequency and sophistication of cyber threats, cybersecurity remains a top priority for IT professionals. Emerging technologies such as AI-driven threat detection, blockchain for secure transactions, and zero-trust architecture are fortifying organizations against evolving cyber risks, ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of sensitive information. These advancements should provide a sense of security that all business owners should be aware of and seek.

The world of IT is evolving at an unprecedented pace and being driven by the rise of emerging technologies. Businesses that embrace these trends stand to gain a competitive edge, unlocking new possibilities and efficiencies. As we navigate the future of IT, staying informed and adapting to these transformative technologies will be crucial for organizations and individuals alike. Learn about which of our IT services may suit your business’s needs the best. If you have any questions about our IT services, contact us today! Follow us on Facebook to keep up with our latest blogs!

How to Look for Internal Security Threats

In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, businesses face not only external threats but also internal dangers that put sensitive information at risk and compromise the security of the establishment. The importance of detecting and mitigating internal security threats cannot be overstated, as they are often overlooked due to the familiarity of the threat actors within the organization’s systems and operations. In this article, we will explore strategies to effectively identify and address internal security threats. 

One way to identify internal security threats is by monitoring user activities within the company’s system by employees and users. Regularly conducting comprehensive training sessions with employees can lower risks associated with inside threats. These sessions can cover the fundamentals of cybersecurity and the potential repercussions of negligent or malicious actions. Analyzing user behavior and activity to identify anomalies or unusual patterns that may indicate malicious intent is also a good practice in identifying internal risks. By spreading awareness and monitoring employees, organizations can recognize and report suspicious activities. 

Conducting regular security audits is another method used to identify internal security risks within an organization. Regular security audits and assessments can evaluate the effectiveness of existing security measures. This includes reviewing access logs, analyzing network traffic, and assessing the overall security structure of the organization. Security audits can uncover vulnerabilities and weaknesses that may be exploited by insider threats. With the results from these audits, the proper adjustments and protocols can be put in place to minimize the risk of internal threats.

Lastly, implementing Data Loss Prevention (DLP) solutions and strong access controls is crucial for preventing the unauthorized transfer of sensitive data. These tools can aid in identifying and blocking attempts to access and share confidential information. DLP solutions also assist in monitoring and controlling the use of removable storage devices, minimizing the risk of data leakage through various channels. Employees should have access only to the resources essential for their specific roles and responsibilities. Businesses must regularly review and update user privileges to align with changing job functions, effectively minimizing the risk of unauthorized access and reducing the potential impact of insider threats. 

In the world of cybersecurity, organizations must remain vigilant against internal security threats. By implementing a combination of these approaches, organizations can significantly enhance their ability to detect and mitigate the risks posed by insider threats. A proactive stance, coupled with continuous improvement and adaptation, will empower organizations to safeguard their information and maintain strong security in the face of evolving internal threats. Learn about which of our IT services may suit your business’s needs the best. If you have any questions about our IT services, contact us today! Follow us on Facebook to keep up with our latest blogs!

Discover the Ideal IT Security Strategy for Your Business

In an era dominated by digital advancements and interconnected systems, having a stable security strategy for your business’s IT infrastructure is essential. The increasing frequency and sophistication of cyber threats require businesses to adopt strong and reliable IT security strategies even more. Choosing the right approach can be a daunting task, given the multitude of options available. This article can help guide you on what to consider when selecting the best IT security strategy for your company.

There is no one-size-fits-all solution for IT security. You must consider your company’s specific industry, size, and operational requirements when selecting security measures. For example, a strategy that works well for a financial institution may not be suitable for a creative agency. Defining your company is the first step in determining what IT security solution is best for your business.

It is also important to choose a strategy that can adapt to the evolving nature of cyber threats and accommodate the growth of your company. You must examine the current size of your company and future goals to ensure that the scale of your IT security plan covers all areas. Scalable and flexible solutions ensure that your security measures remain effective as your business expands. The technology of the world is constantly changing, so it is vital to have a security solution that can keep up with that change.

Looking into what risks your business is most prone to is also useful in selecting the best IT security solution for it. By conducting a thorough risk assessment, potential vulnerabilities are identified and can be prioritized based on potential impact and likelihood. This analysis provides a foundation for tailoring your security measures to the specific needs and risks faced by your company.

Selecting the best IT security strategy for your company requires careful consideration of the unique risks and requirements you face. Even after choosing a security solution, it is important to regularly reassess and update your IT security strategy to stay ahead of emerging threats and protect your company’s sensitive information in the ever-changing digital landscape. Learn about which of our IT services may suit your business’s needs the best. If you have any questions about our IT services, contact us today! Follow us on Facebook to keep up with our latest blogs!

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