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Contact Centers: Cloud-Based vs On-Premises

Posts Tagged ‘contact centers’

Contact Centers: Cloud-Based vs On-Premises


Technology is constantly evolving and with that comes the differences between contact centers. More specifically, the difference between cloud based and on-premises contact centers. Both have their pros and cons, but which one is best for your business? Here out the main differences between contact centers: 


Cloud Based

Cloud based contact centers are a way for businesses to be in direct contact with customers, anywhere and everywhere. With it being all linked to the cloud, all data and software can be accessed anywhere. This makes communication with clients more effective. More businesses are making the switch to cloud based technology. 


The pros of cloud based contact centers include but not limited to:

  • Easier to Scale
  • Speed
  • Better Integration
  • Reliable 
  • Easy Access


More traditionally, on-premises contact centers use hardware-based settings. This means everything including data, software, and infrastructure stays onsite. Although it is more user friendly, this requires lots of maintenance that can become expensive fast. 


Even though some might argue that on-site contact centers are outdated or old fashioned, they still have pros that not even cloud based technology can offer. Pros include: 

  • Maximum Control
  • Data is stored Securely 
  • Only Buy Equipment you Need
  • No Monthly Payments 


Both options have their advantages, but which one is better for your business? Both cloud based and on-premises contact centers have the potential to grow your business. On-premises centers have the access to create wait music, transfers and call logging. Cloud based can do the same thing, but in a more advanced way such as live call monitoring and click to transfer. 

Setting up the equipment is another main difference between the two. On-premises locations require time to get licensing, wire the hardware and find supporting items to link the equipment to. Cloud based works directly from the data box or even app. 


When it comes to cost, on-premises has a one time cost of all equipment needed. This can be expensive, but it is only one payment. It is also important to know that this technology might need more maintenance and upgrades as you go. Cloud based is cheaper at the beginning, but you will need to enroll in a subscription plan. Depending on what company, you could be paying every time a call comes through the line. 

Not sure what technology is better for your business? Westec Services can help! Feel free to contact us for more information or questions you may have.

Mission: WesTec will be a “turn-key” solution for all of its clients’ business connectivity needs. It will offer efficient and effective solutions, directly and with strategic partners, that create tangible value for its clients at every point of contact. Westec will serve all people and entities with a servant’s heart.

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2916 West TC Jester Blvd., Suite 104

Houston, TX 77018

(713) 682-4000


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