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The Importance of Location in Surveillance System Installation

The Importance of Location in Surveillance System Installation

If you own a business, protecting it is probably on the top of your priority list. Surveillance systems and cameras can help you do just that. When making the decisions about CCTV or IP cameras, there are a few different factors to consider before mounting them.


Surveillance System Camera

The first thing you want to identify when deciding on the  location(s) of your security cameras is, what are you trying to protect? Is it one building? All the doors to the office? Outdoor equipment? Employee workspaces? Thinking about these questions will help you narrow down exactly where you need cameras and what type.  The whole purpose of a security camera is to protect your business from numerous different threats.  Making sure you are capturing the correct areas is the first step.

Power Source

Cameras need a power source to operate. Is there access to a power connection or can new wiring be installed in the areas you are wanting to place the cameras, or do you want to go with a battery powered or solar panel option.


Thinking about the places you are installing the cameras and the material that the surveillance cameras will be mounted to. There are many different brackets and methods for mounting security cameras. Our professionals can help you decide what would work best for your needs.


There are many all-weather or weather resistant cameras. Thinking about what kind of environment your security system will need to operate in will help you decide the location and what type of camera you will need.


Are there lights in the area you want to cover? Is it natural or artificial lights? At night is the space well lit or will you need a camera with night vision?


There are many factors that go into deciding the location of your security cameras and the type of system that would be best for your business. Surveillance cameras help protect your company from a range of hazards from theft and crime to workplace accidents. WesTec Services can help make sure you are getting the most out of your surveillance system and assist with answering those questions about camera placement. 

Contact us today if you have any questions about adding a surveillance system to your business or learn more about installing a WesTec Guardian CCTV/ Video Surveillance System here.

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(713) 682-4000


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