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Easy Ways to Protect the Health of Your Computer

Advantages of Wireless Internet for Business

Let WesTec Conduct Your Network Installation

The Importance of Computer Network Health Check Audits

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Easy Ways to Protect the Health of Your Computer - WesTec Services

Easy Ways to Protect the Health of Your Computer

man using access control systemMaintaining your computer’s health requires regular care and maintenance. Here are a few things you can do to protect the health of your computer on a daily basis:


Routine deep cleans

You would be surprised by the number of files that collect on a computer over time. Too many files and programs can actually affect a computer’s load speed and overall performance. Therefore, it is crucial that you perform routine deep cleans on your system. Delete any files that you no longer need and are simply taking up space. If there are files you would like to keep, store these on an external hard drive (and back this drive up) before removing the files from your system.  


Download security updates

You’ve likely received notifications to download new security updates and declined for the sake of time and convenience. If you do not regularly download security updates, your computer may be vulnerable to hacking. These updates work to “patch” any holes in your computer’s security. Without these updates, hackers can intercept your security and access your information, files, programs, etc.


Install and update antivirus software

Viruses and malware can affect your computer’s overall performance, which can disrupt productivity. Therefore, it is important that you install an antivirus software and update this software regularly. Antivirus software will scan your computer for existing viruses, resolve these issues, and block more viruses from infecting your computer. 


When you fail to perform routine deep cleans and maintain your antivirus and security software, your computer is at risk of system failure. At WesTec Services, we understand it can be easy to forget to do these things. Don’t neglect your computer any longer — outsource IT support with WesTec Services! From IT consulting services and network installation to backup & disaster recovery, we’ve got you covered. Protect your computer’s health with WesTec Services. Contact us today!

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Advantages of Wireless Internet for Business - WesTec Services

Advantages of Wireless Internet for Business

While business is driven by technology and the internet, many companies today will deal with their computer network problems and frustrations instead of considering a needed upgrade to a wireless internet network, or WiFi.

If your business is facing network challenges, such as network glitches and breakdowns, or accessing your network from home or on-the-go, it may be time to consider implementing a wireless internet network. Here a few advantages of installing a wireless network for your business:


Wireless internet allow users to access network resources from nearly any convenient location within their primary networking environments, such as a home or office. With the increasing saturation of laptops and smart phones, this is particularly relevant.


Wireless internet networks allow users to access the web even outside of their normal work environment. Most coffee shops or restaurants offer their customers a wireless connection to the internet at little or no cost.


When users can connect to a wireless network, they are able to maintain connectivity to their desired network as they move from place to place. For a business, employees can become more productive because work can be completed from nearly any location.


Wireless networks can serve a suddenly-increased number of users with the existing equipment. On the other hand, in a wired network, additional clients would require additional wiring.


Although cost is difficult to quantify, there is a cost to constant computer glitches. Also, failure to access a wireless network on-the-go can keep projects from meeting their deadlines, ultimately causing company downtime.

If your business is ready to make the switch to wireless internet networking, call the experts at WesTec today, or read more about our network installation services.

Let WesTec Conduct Your Network Installation

A slow or outdated computer network can be detrimental for your company. It can compromise worker efficiency, limit what you can do on your business’s network, and can even cost you money. Here are three tell-tale signs that you should upgrade your network.

Does your computer network consistently give you problems?

If you feel like your employees are spending more time resolving problems or waiting for files to load then they are actually working, you’re losing money. Don’t let your problematic network be the source of frustration in the office. A few simple upgrades or a new installation can make the difference between a struggling business and an efficient one.

Do you have issues accessing your computer network remotely?

An efficient computer network in your office space is crucial, but being able to access from home or on the move is important, too. Your network shouldn’t be inaccessible or slow just because you aren’t in the office. Make sure whatever upgrades you decide on let you work just as efficiently from home.

Do you have more problems with your computer network than your IT support company can handle?

If you answered “yes” to this last question, then not only should you update your network, but you should also consider letting WesTec Communications handle your next network installation. Whether it is sharing media, connecting to other devices on your network, or sharing files, we can make sure your computer network is running at top-speed for your company.   WesTec experts can recommend a high-speed computer network and handle all of the installation so you and your business can work efficiently. Our skilled professionals can update your network and take the headache out of installation. Contact us today!
The Importance of Computer Network Health Check Audits

The Importance of Computer Network Health Check Audits

The Importance of Computer Network Health Check AuditsWithin every industry, technology plays a significant role in some degree. However, when computer networks are performing poorly, it can halt productivity.

  Approximately 97 percent of technology problems that are experienced in a business setting can be easily and inexpensively fixed with regular and proactive maintenance.

  Regular computer network maintenance can address a specific bug or flaw, improve an application’s stability or fix a security vulnerability. In addition, spyware, failing hard drives, out-of-date security patches and system backups are typically proactively addressed.

  Here’s what consistent network health check audits can provide for a business of any size:
  • Avoid costly glitches
  • Avoid business downtime
  • Prevent irreplaceable data loss
  • Keep technology up-to-date
  • Maintain stable connectivity
  • Reduce the number of cyberattacks
  • Obtain a competitive edge
  • Remain safe from malware, and other threat
The Importance of Computer Network Health Check AuditsAt no cost or obligation, WesTec Services offers on-site network health check audits to ensure technology is properly maintained for maximum speed, security and performance.

After our thorough audits, our highly trained team will provide the business with a detailed report that will reveal vulnerable areas, as well as provide professional recommendations on how to resolve the issues.

To promote day-to-day business growth, call WesTec to receive a network health check audit today.

Mission: WesTec will be a “turn-key” solution for all of its clients’ business connectivity needs. It will offer efficient and effective solutions, directly and with strategic partners, that create tangible value for its clients at every point of contact. Westec will serve all people and entities with a servant’s heart.

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2916 West TC Jester Blvd., Suite 104

Houston, TX 77018

(713) 682-4000


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