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Cloud server vs on-site server

Cloud vs. Physical Servers: What’s Best for Your Business

If you are starting a business or need to update your server, you might be wondering if you should go with local or cloud-based servers. There are benefits and drawbacks to both. 

Cloud Server 

A cloud server is a virtual hosted storage place for your business’ data. It is stored with other companies’ data. There is security in place that ensures that other people with the same cloud server do not have access to your data. Cloud servers are easy and quick to implement. If your company is growing and you need more space in the future, it is easy to scale. With a cloud server, you only pay for what you use. You also save money on maintenance and labor costs because it is the vendor’s responsibility to manage the server and is often included in your plan. The cloud service provider will handle updates and security. Backing up your data on a cloud server can also be done with ease. This is a valuable feature of cloud servers because your data can be recovered with a proper backup plan in place. Cloud servers are a good option for most businesses. 

Physical Server 

An On-Site Server is physical hardware either on your property or housed at an outsourced IT provider’s facility. On-site servers often require a larger upfront investment because you have to purchase the hardware for the system. Security and maintenance also require more time and cost because the server will be managed by you. These can be outsourced but this does allow you more control over the server. While cloud-based servers are always innovating and updating their systems, upgrades to a local server fall to you. Setting up the server will also take more effort on your part than a cloud server. With an on-site server, you do have more control over features and customization. Cloud servers limit you to what the vendor provides but local servers are fully customizable only limited by your cost and time investments. 


Cost – If your company has a large amount of data, the upfront cost of an on-site server may be worth the investment. With a cloud server and the pay-for-what-you-use model, this can be a cost-effective option for most businesses. 

Security – With a physical server, the responsibility of security falls to you or the third-party company you chose to house your server. Cloud-based server providers are often constantly updating their security measures as a perk to gain more customers and are often very secure. That said, both systems can be very secure and keep your data safe with proper management and maintenance.

Overall: What’s better for your business? 

The answer to this question is, it depends on your needs. Every company is different and has different needs when it comes to a server. Large businesses with medical information might benefit from investing in an on-site server and may be required to do so for security purposes. Other companies that plan on growing would benefit from the ability to scale with a cloud-based server. 

If you need help with server management and maintenance or want to understand what server type would best suit your needs, contact us today. One of our team members can go over options and help you decide which would be the best fit for your business.

To take advantage of our free computer network health check audit, contact us today! Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook!

Network Installation and Maintenance

Network Installation and Maintenance

To share information, important files, and connect throughout the day, your company will need an effective computer network. This will connect all of your computers through a configured network. If you already have a network set up, but struggling throughout the day to access the correct files because your current network is glitching or having loading issues, we can help. Our team can help with network installation and maintenance.

Network Installation  

When you have a network that isn’t up to par or just not upgraded enough to serve your company efficiently, you and your employees are the ones that suffer. A slow, glitchy network not only hinders a person’s ability to get a task done but also lowers morale among your staff. 

Our team can help you decide which network options are best for you and your company. To see where your network stands, we offer free computer network health check audits. We come to your business and test your network and security and see if we could improve your network. We’ll provide you with a report of our findings at the end of the check. 

Reasons for Installing 

Installing a company computer network allows your employees to work and communicate seamlessly with each other. If it is not up to date, it could mean that your employee’s workflow isn’t as efficient as it could be. Having a failing network could also mean security risks. Spyware, loss of data, and failing drives could all be possible on a network that does not have the right security measures in place. 

Maintenance Services 

A key component to a company network is maintenance. Updates for the network will need to be done regularly to keep the network operating as efficiently as possible. This will help make sure all security measures are up to date, the network is operating at maximum speed, and your company is able to be productive without network downtime. 

A company’s computer network is one of the most important aspects of modern businesses. Without an adequate network, your company and employees could be suffering and work could be hindered. 

To take advantage of our free computer network health check audit, contact us today! Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook!

WesTec Cabling Services

WesTec offers a full line of Houston cabling services including Voice, Data, Fiber, and Coaxial cabling. In this article, we will take you through the specifications of each one, and what makes each of them different. 

Voice and Data Cabling 

Voice and data cabling are used for just that – voice and data. They are inclusive but not limited to phone system cabling, data network cabling, server room cabling, surveillance cameras, video cabling, and more. Distinctly, data cabling is inclusive to two different types of cables – copper and fiber. The type of cables used define the standards of the method used. Furthermore, these types of cabling make up offices or campus networks, which are able to adapt with new and upcoming technologies; in the long run, allowing businesses to expand. 

Fiber Cabling

Fiber cables are able to connect multiple cabinets together and often include a center glass core surrounded by layers of protective materials. This type of cabling avoids electrical obstruction by transmitting light, making them the perfect method for environments with vast amounts of electrical interference. Fiber cabling is now the standard for connective networks across buildings due to their resistance of moisture and lightning.  

Coaxial Cabling

Coaxial cables are probably one of the most complex types of cabling to install due to their complex infrastructure. These cables have a single copper conductor at the center, a braided metal shield, and a plastic layer in the center which provides insulation. The metal shield is used to block outside interference from motors, fluorescent lights, and other computers. Additionally, coaxial cabling is resistant to obstruction and can handle larger cable lengths between network devices. 

Cabling services differ according to your needs, and many beyond just these four exist. WesTec Services is ready to assist you with your cabling needs. For additional information, questions, or comments, contact us or read here.

Why You Should Have a Database Management System

Almost every device has a database system, but do you know how to best manage it? Database management systems ensure that your system performs to its highest potential while creating a more effective way of logging data. Here are the top reasons why you should start a management system for your databases: 


Greater Than Human Knowledge

Technology is advancing quicker than ever, and is becoming smarter and more useful in the workplace. We as humans cannot comprehend everything that a computer can do, and without databases, there are lots of limitations. That is why having this management system is so important, it can solve problems faster than we can and can store loads of crucial information.



Automation is used to perform tasks repetitively, on a schedule that can be difficult when doing it one by one. Management systems can pre-order information and create internal schedules that can be customized for and by the user. While information increases, an effective automation system should increase efficiency and productivity to ensure the best organization. 



There are many questions that are asked every second of every day. Most of which are answered due to database management systems. Most systems have an internal spreadsheet of answers that save humans time and energy to go search for them in traditional ways. This is accessible for everyone and is used all the time for us to better manage information.



Even with these types of systems, we can easily get overwhelmed by the information. However, the management system allows the user to focus on the core information rather than the complexities of the little things. Users can easily track and manage their data and time based on their database. 

Have any questions about the right technology services for you or your business? WesTec services can help. Contact us with any questions you may have and follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter



3 Small Business Tech Trends of 2021 - WesTec Services

3 Small Business Tech Trends of 2021

It’s hard to believe we are already halfway through 2021! It’s been a whirlwind year thus far, but we have seen many advancements in business technology. As remote work becomes the new normal, businesses everywhere have begun adopting new technology and software to make this transition easier. Here are a few small business tech trends that have proven to be revolutionary this year:

3 Small Business Tech Trends of 2021 - WesTec Services

AI-Operated CRMs

In 2021, small businesses everywhere are looking to streamline their work with CRM software. AI-operated CRMs (Customer Relationship Management) allow businesses to effectively identify, track, and target leads through automated campaigns. Businesses have found that CRMs are a more effective approach to their sales processes, as this software produces more personalized customer engagement.


Remote Onboarding

Since the pandemic, many industries are making the switch to remote work. As smooth and successful as this transition has been for some, remote work may become a more long-term option. Now, businesses are implementing remote onboarding software to simplify and expedite the hiring process. This new software is more convenient and cost-effective than traditional hiring processes.

3 Small Business Tech Trends of 2021 - WesTec Services

Centralized, Comprehensive HR Software

Remote work provides so much ease and convenience for employees and executives alike. However, with limited human-to-human contact, HR departments have had difficulty keeping up with the needs of their employees. With the introduction of centralized HR software, HR professionals can automate daily processes and store data. This software will also improve performance management and employee communication.


At WesTec Services, business technology is our specialty. From Managed Services and Network Installation to IT Consulting and more, we’re your one-stop shop. From computer hardware and software to telephone systems and integrated security, we’ll make it all work seamlessly together. 

Interested in learning more about the services we offer? Visit our website or contact WesTec Services today!

Want to stay up-to-date on emerging business technology trends? Visit our blog.

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn!

Last-Minute Spring Cleaning: Maintaining Your Business Technology - Westec Services

Last-Minute Spring Cleaning: Maintaining Your Business Technology

Summer is right around the corner. If you haven’t tackled Spring cleaning yet, now is your opportunity! Here are a few ways to clean up your system and improve its overall performance with regular maintenance:


Business Technology MaintenanceDust with compressed air and wipe down the monitor

Starting with the outside of your system, dust the keyboard and mouse with a can of compressed air. Compressed air is strong and will clean out any built up dust particles and other grime. You may also consider wiping down your keyboard and mouse with an antibacterial solution, to rid the surfaces of germs and bacteria. Avoid spraying the keyboard and mouse directly — instead, lightly spritz a rag and wipe. Wipe down your monitor with a microfiber cloth to remove fingerprints and anything else that may be crusted to the monitor. 


Clean hardware system

Once you have dusted the outside of your system, you should focus on cleaning your hardware. Before you begin, close any active programs/files, shut your computer down, and unplug the computer from the wall. Unscrew the hardware casing and use compressed air to dust all the nooks and crannies of your system. Compressed air is safe to use on hardware and should not cause any damage.


Turn your computer off or restart regularly 

Simply putting your computer to sleep while it is not in use will cause your system minimal damage. However, you should make a habit of restarting or shutting your system down every now and then — especially if you use an older system. Rebooting your computer will prevent overheating and will allow your system to refresh its settings and resources. Allowing your computer to reboot and refresh will improve its overall performance.


Business Technology MaintenanceClear up drive space

One thing that will slow your computer’s performance is a full drive. Improve your computer’s performance by clearing up drive space regularly — there’s no reason to hold on to files and downloads you no longer need! Delete any unnecessary files and consider moving files you wish to keep to an external harddrive.


Remove malware and viruses  

Malware can affect operability and cause data loss or theft. There are a number of ways your system can be infected by malware and other viruses. Therefore, it is important that you use antivirus software to protect your computer and remove any potential threats. This software will run diagnostics, identify viruses, and resolve these.


Install updates

It is important that you install program updates regularly, as to ensure all programs are running efficiently. Failing to install new updates can affect the speed and performance of your programs. Most programs have regular updates that will address security holes and minimize unnecessary features.



At WesTec Services, we believe regular maintenance is crucial for maintaining the health of your system. With regular maintenance, you can prevent the worst from happening — and prevention is key! 

Most IT consultants simply put band-aid fixes on computer network problems and react to problems instead of looking for ways to prevent them from happening in the first place. As with most things in life, prevention really is better than cure — and it’s no surprise to find that prevention is the secret of good IT support too. Interested in learning more about our IT services? Contact us today!

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Easy Ways to Protect the Health of Your Computer - WesTec Services

Easy Ways to Protect the Health of Your Computer

man using access control systemMaintaining your computer’s health requires regular care and maintenance. Here are a few things you can do to protect the health of your computer on a daily basis:


Routine deep cleans

You would be surprised by the number of files that collect on a computer over time. Too many files and programs can actually affect a computer’s load speed and overall performance. Therefore, it is crucial that you perform routine deep cleans on your system. Delete any files that you no longer need and are simply taking up space. If there are files you would like to keep, store these on an external hard drive (and back this drive up) before removing the files from your system.  


Download security updates

You’ve likely received notifications to download new security updates and declined for the sake of time and convenience. If you do not regularly download security updates, your computer may be vulnerable to hacking. These updates work to “patch” any holes in your computer’s security. Without these updates, hackers can intercept your security and access your information, files, programs, etc.


Install and update antivirus software

Viruses and malware can affect your computer’s overall performance, which can disrupt productivity. Therefore, it is important that you install an antivirus software and update this software regularly. Antivirus software will scan your computer for existing viruses, resolve these issues, and block more viruses from infecting your computer. 


When you fail to perform routine deep cleans and maintain your antivirus and security software, your computer is at risk of system failure. At WesTec Services, we understand it can be easy to forget to do these things. Don’t neglect your computer any longer — outsource IT support with WesTec Services! From IT consulting services and network installation to backup & disaster recovery, we’ve got you covered. Protect your computer’s health with WesTec Services. Contact us today!

Don’t forget to follow us on FacebookTwitter, and LinkedIn!

3 Crucial Security Solutions to Employ as a Business Owner - WesTec Services

3 Crucial Security Solutions to Employ as a Business Owner

A security threat of any kind can disrupt productivity and impact business. What precautions are you taking to ensure your company does not fall victim to these disruptions? Here are 3 security solutions you should employ as a business owner:  

Backup Disaster/Recovery

System failure can occur for a variety of reasons, such as virus infection, human error, and natural disaster. Regardless, system failure occurs without warning and could easily put you out of business if you are not prepared. Therefore, it is crucial you implement some sort of backup and data recovery software to protect your network. If you store important or confidential files on your computers, you simply cannot afford to be without backup and data recovery.  

Access Control Systems

Another way to protect your business against security threats would be to implement an access control system. With access control systems, facility owners may install security technology such as ID key entries and finger-printing scanners in order to track who enters the building. This technology can also record the time and date guests arrive and leave.   

CCTV or IP Security System

Video surveillance is another great solution for businesses looking to increase security efforts, especially when paired with access control systems. Installing cameras at key entrances and exits will allow a facility owner to better monitor who enters the building. Unlike backup disaster/recovery, access control systems and CCTV protect against external security threats.   Why wait until you need a solution in order to implement preventative measures? Most IT consultants simply react to problems instead of looking for ways to prevent them from happening in the first place. At WesTec Services, we believe prevention is better than a cure; prevention is key to maintaining productivity and cash flow. Protect your assets – call WesTec Services and schedule a meeting with one of our IT professionals to discuss what security solutions are best suited for your business!
Advantages of Wireless Internet for Business - WesTec Services

Advantages of Wireless Internet for Business

While business is driven by technology and the internet, many companies today will deal with their computer network problems and frustrations instead of considering a needed upgrade to a wireless internet network, or WiFi.

If your business is facing network challenges, such as network glitches and breakdowns, or accessing your network from home or on-the-go, it may be time to consider implementing a wireless internet network. Here a few advantages of installing a wireless network for your business:


Wireless internet allow users to access network resources from nearly any convenient location within their primary networking environments, such as a home or office. With the increasing saturation of laptops and smart phones, this is particularly relevant.


Wireless internet networks allow users to access the web even outside of their normal work environment. Most coffee shops or restaurants offer their customers a wireless connection to the internet at little or no cost.


When users can connect to a wireless network, they are able to maintain connectivity to their desired network as they move from place to place. For a business, employees can become more productive because work can be completed from nearly any location.


Wireless networks can serve a suddenly-increased number of users with the existing equipment. On the other hand, in a wired network, additional clients would require additional wiring.


Although cost is difficult to quantify, there is a cost to constant computer glitches. Also, failure to access a wireless network on-the-go can keep projects from meeting their deadlines, ultimately causing company downtime.

If your business is ready to make the switch to wireless internet networking, call the experts at WesTec today, or read more about our network installation services.
Top Access Control Trends for 2019

Top Access Control Trends for 2019

Access control systems continuously evolve with the newest technology trends. In fact, they must keep up with updates to protect companies, their employees and data from threats. With a rising number of security breaches, we can expect more companies to install access control systems. 

Access Control Reviews

Security breaches are encouraging companies to conduct full audits of access controls. Enterprises will review risks by user, role and business process to isolate and mitigate risks before they turn into high-profile breaches. By noting weak security measures, companies can make changes to better protect assets.

Individualized Access

In 2019, we saw to see a rising trend in individualized access. This ensures each person has their own username, password or identification code. Companies now have access to automated provisioning, which sets up user accounts and creates automated workflows based on job duties. 

Security Patching

Hackers will do anything to break into security systems. While this has been a problem for decades, hackers are now specifically targeting overlooked points of access. To combat external threats, we expect access control systems to begin patching vulnerabilities, even if it means temporarily disrupting productivity. 

Threat Identification

Next year, systems will continue and expand their use of data analytics to monitor and mitigate threats. Companies will use their dashboards to monitor access, but they will also run possible scenarios to reduce risk and conflict. 

man using access control systemCloud-based Systems

The need for analytics, automation and access will encourage more businesses to install  cloud-based control systems. As companies increase their technology and mobile tools, they will want to protect their system in an effective way.  As we prepare to enter a new year and decade, businesses shouldn’t ignore threats from potential breaches. Our expert IT professionals at WesTec Services can help you analyze your current strategies and install a system designed to deflect security breaches. Contact us to learn more about our access control systems.

Mission: WesTec will be a “turn-key” solution for all of its clients’ business connectivity needs. It will offer efficient and effective solutions, directly and with strategic partners, that create tangible value for its clients at every point of contact. Westec will serve all people and entities with a servant’s heart.

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2916 West TC Jester Blvd., Suite 104

Houston, TX 77018

(713) 682-4000


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