(713) 682-4000 sales@westecservices.net

How to Secure Your Business Mobile Phone

How to Get the Most Out of Your PC

Benefits of IT Consulting for a Startup Business

Why You Should Lease Your IT Equipment

What is Managed IT Service?

How to Pick Your IT Provider

Why WesTec is the Right IT Provider for You

Telecom Audits: A Beneficial Method to Improve Business Practices

Why You Need a Worry-Free IT

Regularly evaluate your cybersecurity

Posts Tagged ‘it’

How to Secure Your Business Mobile Phone - WesTec Services

How to Secure Your Business Mobile Phone

Business mobile phones can be used for a range of commercial operations, including inventory control, customer relations, advertising, marketing, banking and more.

Here are few ways to ensure your mobile phone and its valuable data is protected against hackers and malware:

1. Update your phone.

Most of us are guilty of ignoring operating system updates on our business mobile phones. However, the longer you wait to update your phone, the more out of date your systems are, making you an easier target for hackers who can easily identify and exploit system vulnerabilities.

How to Secure Your Business Mobile Phone - WesTec Service2. Lock your device.

If your business mobile phone contains private information about you or your business, it is important to always engage the four- or six-digit passcode on your device. Don’t use the same password for all your accounts and be sure to change your password occasionally for good measure.

3. Manage app permissions.

On your mobile phone, you can grant apps permissions, like access to the camera, microphone, your contacts, your location, your pictures, and more. Be sure to keep track of which permissions you’ve given to which apps, and revoke permissions that are not completely necessary.

4. Back up your data.

Things happen, but you can always be prepared. When you back up the data on business mobile phones, you are able to protect your important documents and images in case of any loss.

5. Ignore spam and phishing emails.

One of the easiest ways for hackers to access your information is through email. Be sure you don’t click on links in promotional emails, open suspicious attachments or run updates that are promoted through emails. If you need to access sensitive information, report directly to the organization’s website to login.

Connecting the dots with business mobile phones can be confusing, time consuming and costly. For a reliable business mobile phone provider in Houston, contact the experts at WesTec today.
How to Get the Most Out of Your PC - WesTec Services

How to Get the Most Out of Your PC

Because computers are powerful tools that we are likely to use in our everyday business or personal lives, we want to be able to get the most out of them. Here are a few tips to help prevent the most common causes of a PC meltdown:

  Keep it cool

How to Get the Most Out of Your PC - WesTec ServicesComputers are complex electrical devices that hate to get overheated. The most common cause of overheating in your PC is dust accumulation inside the case, resulting in a slow-running, stopping and starting, and even a failed processor. To avoid overheating, locate and use your PC on a desk or other hard surface, as blankets or pillows block the cooling vents on the underside of the case.

  Keep it secure

Passwords are important to keep malicious intrusion out of your wireless network, keep documents on your PC secure, and for use on internet sites where payments may be required. A strong password uses at least eight characters that combine upper and lower case letters, numerals, and punctuation marks. It is advised to avoid the use of personal information in your passwords and to not use the same password for every account you have.

  Keep it backed up

Due either to your hard drive wearing out or due to software corruption, you may need to replace your PC or hard drive in the future. To preserve personal or business-related data, is it important to keep a current backup of it on a separate device (with an external hard drive) or with a Cloud-based service. If you don’t have a lot of data, flash drives will work well. Backups can be configured to occur automatically.

Whether you need backup disaster or recovery services, a network installation, or IT consulting, the experts at WesTec have you and your PC covered. For reliable IT managed services, give us a call today.
Benefits of IT Consulting for Startup Businesses - WesTec Services

Benefits of IT Consulting for a Startup Business

A startup business looking to grow and establish its operations will find the value of an IT consultant life-changing. Here are a few benefits that startup businesses can expect when they hire an IT consulting company:

1. Adoption of IT Best Practices – Many business owners handle several tasks daily. Since startup businesses are still at their formative stage, all hands are typically on deck. Because of this, business owners won’t have the time to learn about the current IT best practices. Hiring an IT consulting company allows the best IT practices to be implemented while you focus on getting your business started.

Benefits of IT Consulting for Startup Businesses - WesTec Services2. Less Downtime New businesses need every minute of operational time to maximize productivity. Whenever there is an IT issue, that is potentially costing the business money. However, hiring an IT consulting company can help your business quickly identify and fix the issue. Additionally, consultants can provide and develop monitoring protocols to help prevent and reduce future incidences.

3. Security and Compliance Are you familiar with the data compliance laws in your industry? Do you know the security protocols you need when running your IT infrastructure?  If not, hiring an IT consulting company can help you find the answers you need. In addition, IT consultants can help you identify your security weak spots and help design technical protocols that help deter unwanted actors.

4. Seamless Transitions – When it’s time to covert to new technology tools or a new IT system, you may not be too sure how your business will adapt. IT consultants can provide a smoother transition when making the switch. This will help your business avoid potential disruptions in operations and allow you to focus on your business and less on its technology.

  If you’re seeking comprehensive, customized IT consulting services for your startup business, give the experts at WesTec a call today. Learn more about our IT consulting services.
Why You Should Lease Your IT Equipment

Why You Should Lease Your IT Equipment

Is your technology equipment outdated or running slow? New equipment may be the solution. Before making a big purchase, check out all of your options. At WesTec Services, we help businesses lease IT equipment that keeps them ahead of the competition.

Up-To-Date Equipment

With every new model tech companies release, your current equipment set-up becomes irrelevant. When you lease IT, you can upgrade to whatever is newer, faster and cheaper when you finish your equipment contract. If your business relies on having the latest equipment, leasing is the most affordable option. 

Predictable Expenses

WesTec offers its customers a fixed-price guarantee without surprises and hidden fees. Leasing IT equipment allows you to know your set monthly expense, giving you a firmer grasp on your budget. 

Tax Incentives

When you lease IT equipment, you qualify for tax credits. Under Section 179 of the IRS tax code, leasing is often entirely tax-deductible. This means a company can possibly deduct up to 100% of their leasing expenses, pending qualification. 

Individual signing a IT lease contractKeep Up with Competitors

Leasing can give a company access to technology that might be out of reach otherwise. In competitive markets, new or advanced equipment might give you the upper hand against competitors.  Let WesTec take your business to the next level with our IT services. Contact us to learn more about how you can get the latest IT equipment for an affordable price.
Managed IT Services

What is Managed IT Service?

Small businesses can benefit from outsourcing their IT to a qualified business technology company. With managed IT service, WesTec can monitor and improve your company’s IT practices to ensure your employees can focus on their daily duties. 

What is Managed IT Service?

Managed IT service allows a company to pay a fixed monthly rate for IT services and equipment. With a fixed monthly rate, customers benefit from automatic software updates, regular equipment upgrades and relief from the day-to-day IT frustrations. Partnering with WesTec gives a company flexibility to set clear goals and objectives.

What’s Included?

WesTec Services offers two plans with fixed fees for network management solutions. With WesTec Guardian Professional, companies receive network management and basic IT needs based on their current network infrastructure. With this program, businesses also benefit from discounted on-site support rates. WesTec Guardian All Covered provides our clients with maintenance, network management and technical support needs all in one fixed monthly rate. This ensures a company’s network is running efficiently without hourly rates.

IT employee preventing network failureWhy Your Business Needs to Outsource IT

In today’s society, technology is crucial for a company to thrive in a competitive market. Because of this, businesses can not wait until something is broken to fix it. Managed IT service changes the way companies are looking at technology. Instead of embracing the old fix-it mentality, IT companies can manage a company’s IT and prevent any issues that might disrupt employees or clients.  Let WesTec Services manage your IT and keep your company on its toes. Our managed IT services reduce the cost of replacing new equipment and keep you from paying hourly rates when your network fails by offering all-inclusive, fixed rates. Contact us to learn more about managed IT today.

How to Pick Your IT Provider

When your focus is on running a business and selling a product or service to customers, outsourcing IT can save valuable time. Before signing a contract, it is important to understand the services an IT provider offers and how it fits with your company. 

What is Included in the Cost?

First, determine what is included in your bill. Some providers claim to offer all-inclusive deals but sneak in hidden costs. Be sure to ask the potential IT provider questions about their services, prices and how you will be billed. This will keep you from receiving unexpected charges in the future.

Are You Compatible?

When choosing an IT provider, it is important your company is compatible with theirs. Make sure their platforms and technology help your business. Keep in mind the goals and changes you hope to make to your business in the future. By establishing goals for your company in advance, you lessen the risk of having to break a contract with an IT provider later if they can no longer support your growth. 

How are Passwords Protected?

Knowing how an IT provider saves passwords can easily help you determine if they are a good fit for your company. Ask potential providers how they handle passwords internally. Since IT companies are easy targets for hackers, making sure a provider has complete protocols for keeping passwords and data secure is crucial.

How do They Train Employees?

Make sure potential providers regularly train their employees. Their job is to protect your information and they should know how to avoid phishing or other security breaches.  A good IT provider understands the importance of your business and protecting its information. Make sure potential providers have similar goals to your business. WesTec Services strives to serve all clients with a servant’s heart to ensure their goals are met. Contact us today to discuss how we can benefit your company.

Why WesTec is the Right IT Provider for You

As a small business, outsourcing your IT can be an easy way to save time and money. However, not all IT providers are the same. WesTec assists customers with a servant’s heart by offering efficient and effective solutions. Here are some things you should take into consideration when choosing an IT provider.

Response Time

With businesses relying more on technology than ever before, you need an IT provider who responds quickly and solves your problems. WesTec’s employees pride themselves on being able to fix a problem the first time, saving your company from scheduling multiple return visits for repairs.


As an IT provider, WesTec offers its customers safety and security. Networks are protected from viruses and malware. However, if your data becomes compromised or is lost by system failure, human error or natural disaster, WesTec offers data backup and recovery.

Fixed Price Guarantee

Companies can rest knowing what their bill will be for the services they request. Sometimes an IT provider will quote a business a price, then add hidden fees to the bill. WesTec offers its customers a fixed price guarantee, whether it is for a repair or monthly IT management.


Sometimes, an IT provider will only provide temporary fixes to a company’s problems. WesTec’s employees work hard to prevent IT issues from occurring. WesTec believes preventative maintenance is a surefire way to increase productivity and save a company money. Ready for a new IT provider? The experts at WesTec Services are ready to help your business reach the next level through technology. Let our employees help determine the best IT management plan for you and create a custom quote tailored to your company’s needs. Contact us today for more information.
Telecom Audits: A Beneficial Method to Improve Business Practices-WesTec Services

Telecom Audits: A Beneficial Method to Improve Business Practices

Telecom Audits: A Beneficial Method to Improve Business Practices-WesTec Services Every business relies on communication to succeed. Because communication methods are only enhancing and changing, businesses are constantly seeking ways to cut telecommunications costs. In fact, it is estimated that telecommunications services are the third largest operating expense for most companies.

If you’re searching for ways to cut costs within your business, telecommunication audits are an easy, accurate way to discover what business practices are working and which ones are not. Telecom audits could potentially save your company thousands of dollars each year. Here a few benefits of implementing telecom audits:

• Increase efficiency. Telecom auditing systems can provide advanced and customized reporting of current phone system services. Utilizing this innovative tactic, any problems with the telecom infrastructure can be brought to the surface–allowing productive time for immediate equipment fix or elimination.

• Save time. The use of telecom auditing systems can provide highly itemized and detailed reports for any department. Having quick access to accurate data of system conditions and employee performances saves wasted time for determining what changes need to be made–also, company down time can be prevented if equipment needs to be upgraded. Telecom Audits: A Beneficial Method to Improve Business Practices-WesTec Services

• Find savings. Telecom audits can identify areas of wireless overspend throughout the entire company. If a company is dishing out extra expenses for mishandling of communication equipment, audits can identify billing errors or other unauthorized charges. By acquiring more data, necessary changes can be made to cut expenses.

WesTec provides telecommunications audits of a business’ current phone service provider. Our IT specialists will review and analyze the existing telecom services and provide recommendations and methods to reduce overall costs and maximize value and profitability. At WesTec, we offer thorough knowledge of available carriers and services provided–ultimately providing a true turnkey solution for efficient and strategic business practices.

Contact us today to optimize your business telecommunication systems!
Why You Need Worry-Free IT-WesTec Services

Why You Need a Worry-Free IT

Why You Need Worry-Free IT-WesTec Services Inevitably, technology is becoming more important to businesses of all shapes and sizes. Utilizing the right technology effectively can help a business become more profitable, versatile, and sustainable against its competitors. However, the rise of complex technology brings increased confusion and problems for many.

Here are some reasons to hire an IT professional to work alongside your business: Technology is everywhere. No matter the market or size of the business, technology is involved in some shape or form. Investing in an IT professional can help optimize existing technology within the company and ensure the systems that are used daily are always working when they’re needed.

Technology is always evolving. Because technology is always developing, it can be used to push a business to the next level. An IT expert can assist by implementing updates to existing programs or introduce a company to new programs that can simplify work duties.Why You Need Worry-Free IT-WesTec Services

Hiring a professional can save time and money. Whether some technology needs updating or needs to be fixed, outsourcing to an IT professional can help a company save time and money by trying to fix it themselves. Asking an IT expert to help is considered to be a cost-effective solution avoiding technology down-time.

IT professionals know what they’re doing. From computer hardware and software, telephone systems to security, IT professionals are skilled and trained to connect the technology needed for a business.

 When seeking a one-stop source for all of your business’ IT support and consulting needs, WesTec Services will act as your IT Support Department–providing you with full in-house service. At WesTec, our technicians are equipped with the adequate experience and training required to connect the dots with the technology needed to run your business efficiently and effectively. Call us today–the home of worry-free IT!

Regularly evaluate your cybersecurity

Regularly evaluate your cybersecurity

July 5th, 2018
Regularly evaluate your cybersecurity

Experts estimate that the global market for cybersecurity products this year will exceed that of last year. At first glance, an increase in spending seems necessary and shows that businesses are becoming more aware of cybersecurity issues. But a closer look may prove otherwise. Learn why your company could be investing on cybersecurity products the wrong way.

Uncover threats and vulnerabilities

Every business should evaluate the current state of its cybersecurity by running a risk assessment. Doing so is one of the easiest ways to identify, correct, and prevent security threats. After discovering potential issues, you should rate them based on probability of occurrence and potential impacts to your business.

Keep in mind that risk assessments are specific to every business and there is no one-size-fits-all approach for small business technology. It all depends on your line of business and operating environment. For instance, manufacturing companies and insurance groups have totally different applications to secure.

After tagging and ranking potential threats, you should identify which vulnerabilities need immediate attention and which ones can be addressed further down the line. For example, a web server running an unpatched operating system is probably a higher priority than a front desk computer that’s running a little slower than normal.

Tailor controls to risks

Instead of spending time and money evenly on all systems, it’s best that you focus on areas with high risk. You should address these issues immediately after an assessment, but also put plans in place to evaluate their risk profiles more often.

Assess existing products

Chances are, your organization has already spent a great deal of money on security products and their maintenance and support. By conducting risk assessments more often, you can improve the strategies you already have in place and uncover wasteful spending. You may discover that one outdated system merely needs to be upgraded and another needs to be ditched. Remember, your existing products were purchased to meet specific needs that may have changed immensely or disappeared altogether.

It’s much harder to overcome cybersecurity obstacles if you’re not regularly evaluating your IT infrastructure. Contact our experts for help conducting a comprehensive assessment today!

Published with permission from TechAdvisory.org. Source.

Mission: WesTec will be a “turn-key” solution for all of its clients’ business connectivity needs. It will offer efficient and effective solutions, directly and with strategic partners, that create tangible value for its clients at every point of contact. Westec will serve all people and entities with a servant’s heart.

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2916 West TC Jester Blvd., Suite 104

Houston, TX 77018

(713) 682-4000


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