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Spoofing Attacks: Detection & Prevention

Spoofing attacks are a type of cyberattack in which a cybercriminal will hide their identity by disguising themselves as a trustworthy source in order to gain highly sensitive and valuable information from their victims. There are multiple methods of spoofing attacks such as email, IP, and caller ID spoofing that put victims at high risk of their cybersecurity. Being able to detect and prevent these attacks are skills that all internet users should have to protect both themselves and their organizations. 

Detecting Spoofing Attacks

Early detection is key to combating the consequences of spoofing attacks. Implementing extra layers of security to all of one’s systems and accounts through methods such as Multi-Factor Authentication and Anti-spoofing Software are effective ways to detect suspicious activities before it is too late. Additionally, installing certain protocols or digital signatures on forms of digital communication such as emails allows users to have security when sharing valuable information as they feel assured that it is going to a source that they trust. A combination of multiple methods of spoofing attack detection will increase the amount of protection that one has against them. It will also allow time for one to develop a response plan whenever an attack is detected by discovering and tackling the issue from its source.

Preventing Spoofing Attacks

There are also multiple methods to prevent attacks from occurring in the first place. Practicing habits such as updating software regularly, undergoing phishing awareness training, and installing intrusion detection systems are all recommended to avert falling victim to spoofing attacks. These are all methods that create more obstacles for spoofers to overcome to gain the important information they seek. By having a team with individuals who are all aware of the threat that spoofing attacks pose to cyber security, the attacks and their consequences can be averted before the damage is already done. Being able to prevent the attacks also increases the amount of trust that someone may have in the company or organization as it demonstrates the measures taken to ensure the cybersecurity of their data and information. 

The detection and prevention of spoofing attacks are vital to ensure consequences such as data breaches, financial losses, and damage to an organization’s reputation are avoided at all costs. In the age of evolving technology, it is important to also evolve in cybersecurity methods as well. This is only one of many examples of digital corruption, and an awareness of how to detect and prevent them can restore trust in digital systems. If you have any questions about our IT services, contact us today! Follow us on Facebook to keep up with our latest blogs!

Spyware: How to Protect Yourself

Have you ever got the feeling that someone is watching you? That feeling might not be completely out of pocket. Whoever is watching you may not be outside your window or monitoring your physical movements, but are viewing your activity on your electronic devices. Anyone is vulnerable to spyware, and can be a victim of theft or hacking at any moment. Here’s how to detect it and what to do to protect yourself.


What is Spyware?

Spyware is a type of malicious software designed to secretly gather information from a user’s computer or device without their knowledge or consent. This information can include sensitive personal data, such as login credentials, financial information, browsing habits, and more. This malware is hidden from the user’s naked eye and is used without their awareness. This is then followed by sending the collected data to a remote server or third party. Types can vary, but can derive from email attachments, downloading pirated software, and clicking on questionable links.


Detection & Prevention

Detecting spyware on your computer or device can be challenging because it is designed to operate discreetly. However, there are several signs and methods you can use to detect the presence of spyware such as installing antivirus softwares. These programs are designed to detect and remove spyware and other malware, ridding your device of potential threats. Run regular scans to check for any infections and be sure to keep them updated. Be vigilant for any unusual behavior on your device such as sluggish performance, crashing, freezing, pop-ups, or suspicious browser settings.


Spyware can be unpredictable at times, but it’s important to stay aware and look for any signs of malicious behavior. If you have any questions about our IT services, contact us today! Follow us on Facebook to keep up with our latest blogs!

The 4 Most Vulnerable Industries to Cyber Attacks

Cyber attacks have become a large issue and concern for many businesses. Since technology continues to change and develop everyday, it has revealed vulnerability in protective digital software. The result of this being the significant rise of security breaches, with any and all industries being at risk. However, there are those who are at a greater risk than others, and are commonly targeted by cyber attackers. Here are the 4 most vulnerable industries to cyber attacks, and why they require higher level security.



The healthcare industry is specifically targeted based on the amount of sensitive and personal data they handle. Ransomware poses a great threat to healthcare companies, with cybercriminals making their data inaccessible unless a payment has been made. With healthcare industries possessing multiple patient files, personal information, and payment statements, the attackers are aware that the organization cannot bear the expense of losing data. 


Government Agencies

When it comes to government data, there’s no surprise as to why cyber criminals would desire access. Government agencies contain personal identifying information, classified documents, and military secrets. These agencies face threats such as cyber espionage, which is the spying and installation of spyware to government devices. They also must look out for insider threats, which is the leaking of confidential information through their own employees. This can be both accidental and deliberate. Phishing can also trick employees into sending sensitive information to the wrong recipient.


Financial Institutions

Due to the large amount of money and financial information banks and other financial services manage, cybercriminals have all the reason to target them. Money has become extremely digital, which has created new ways to exploit any weaknesses in the system. Thieves will phish, use mobile malware, and hack into banking accounts and commit fraudulent transactions. 



Shops in-store and online are vulnerable to the theft of valuable data. They struggle with the issue of credit card fraud, online data breaches, and identity theft. Credit card fraud can cause all kinds of unwanted trouble for retailers, and can lose profit at the hands of fraudulent purchases. Identity theft poses a threat because of thieves that steal other user information to create credit card accounts to make purchases. Customer credentials are at risk at the expense of data breaches, so security software should always be stable and secure.


These industries might be commonly targeted, but any company of any size can be at a risk of cyberattacks. Taking preventative measures will protect your company, your employees, and those who keep you in business. If you have any questions about our IT services, contact us today! Follow us on Facebook to keep up with our latest blogs!


VPN Security Risks: What to Look Out For

The purpose of VPN security is to protect and encrypt sensitive data by masking IP addresses. VPN stands for “virtual private network”, and they are used to conceal browsing activity, personal identity, and current location. VPN’s make users typically feel safer and more secure, but are they capable of posing potential threats? Learn how and why VPNs can strengthen your company’s security and how to avoid a potential breach.

Why Use a VPN?

The benefits of using a VPN can apply to anyone wishing to protect their digital privacy from cyber attackers. It adds an extra layer of security when using public Wi-Fi, which can be dangerous if making online purchases or answering emails. A VPN will hide your banking information and confidential passwords from those who prey on such information. Working remotely has become a popular method of employment, but it can increase the risks of cyber threats when working outside of the designated office. When you are not under the protection of your employer’s provided Wi-Fi or protected network, it can put your company’s data at risk. The use of a VPN can help secure your work-related material when utilizing work devices outside of the office.

VPN Risks

While VPN’s are known to help keep data safer, there are also security risks to consider when choosing to use one. The idea that using a basic consumer VPN will retain complete anonymity is a huge misconception that will make you a more vulnerable user. With a VPN or not, no one is likely completely anonymous when using the internet. It’s important to bring this to the attention of your employees to deter them from using social media on work devices or accepting cookies on flimsy websites. Make this known to avoid cyber breaches from occurring and harmful malware from being downloaded. Investing in a secure and specialized VPN can improve security among your company, so avoid using basic consumer VPNs that might feel safe, but are not enough for business level security.

Using a VPN can help protect your users from base-line threats, but it’s crucial to understand that the internet is a dangerous place. Suspicious activity will continue to arise no matter how secure we feel. Awareness is key to limiting harmful threats and keeping your sensitive information safe. If you have any questions about our IT services, contact us today! Follow us on Facebook to keep up with our latest blogs!

Best Awareness Training Topics: Company Security

Human errors can happen, and can be the cause of up to 95% of cybersecurity related breaches. With that being said, the best way to prevent these mistakes would be to implement solid training to your employees. The purpose of training is to strengthen your team’s knowledge and awareness of modern threats and how to combat them properly. Regular training will keep your employees up to date, helping your company steer clear of most errors. To achieve this, here are some of the best awareness training topics to consider.


Phishing Attacks

Phishing attacks impersonate the company or professional you work for, luring users to click on suspicious links. Many attempts in the past have been easier to recognize, but phishing attacks have become more intelligent overtime. They pose a great threat due to how believable they can be, and can cause a cyber attack if fallen for. Train your employees on this subject to help them identify suspicious activity, messages, or attachments.


Passwords and Authentication

Passwords can seem like a simple log-in element, but they are what protects your company’s security. If you use a common or easily guessed password, you are putting yourself at risk for a cyber attack. Cyber criminals will attempt to log into your accounts in hopes of gaining access to your sensitive information. Bring this to your employees’s attention through complex training, reminding them of the importance of updating their work passwords. Authentication methods can be made more secure by adding questions that the employee will only know the answer to. Express the significance of passwords and why you should always keep them confidential.


Remote Work

Working remotely is a great way to meet a well balanced lifestyle between work and social life. However, utilizing personal devices can increase the risk of a security breach. Make sure your remote employees are trained to understand the importance of installing antivirus software to home laptops to prevent cyber attacks. It is also important to never leave your device unattended when containing important company files. To successfully work remotely without risking data security, educate your staff to be aware of these dangers.

Your security is to be protected, so administering training will improve standards of the company as a whole. If you have any questions about our IT services, contact us today! Follow us on Facebook to keep up with our latest blogs!

System Administrator Appreciation Day (July 28th)

When it comes to IT work, it can take a village to keep everything up and running smoothly. There are a lot of important roles and responsibilities in this industry, and should all be recognized for what they contribute. Coming up on July 28th, 2023, we call all IT companies to celebrate and to show appreciation to their system administrators. 


What is a System Administrator?

A system administrator or sysadmin, is a technology professional who upholds multi user computing systems to ensure smooth IT operation and performance. They are the ones who monitor the company’s computer systems and internet servers, while installing protective software and troubleshooting hardware. They keep the ball rolling smoothly, creating a functional computing environment. Specific tasks include but are not limited to patching unstable software, performing backup recovery, and identifying cyber security threats. These abilities are crucial and allow other parts of the department to function normally. 


How to Celebrate

The system administrator position is consistently evolving at a rigorous pace, meaning that learning and developing never stops for them. To celebrate their commitment to making such a difference in the IT world, try and learn more about what their purpose is and what they do. As the specialized problem solvers they are, they deserve recognition for keeping everyone afloat. Treat these professionals with office cake, ice cream, or a well deserved day off! Order in lunch for the staff in lieu of the special holiday, taking the opportunity to shine that spotlight on your favorite sysadmin. 


When it comes to IT, all positions are complex and play a huge role in a company. On July 28th, let us recognize the importance of system administrators and show them our gratitude for their role. 


If you have any questions about our IT services, contact us today! Follow us on Facebook to keep up with our latest blogs!


Artificial Intelligence Appreciation Day (July 16th)

As we evolve in the technological world, our demands for more advanced technology grows. With the use of artificial intelligence, we can achieve endless possibilities in both businesses and entertainment as A.I. continues to make breakthroughs. With the amount of beneficial uses A.I. has offered us in our daily lives, it seems appropriate to celebrate it! Artificial Intelligence Appreciation Day is a day to acknowledge the contribution A.I. has made, and how it’s changed the course of how we perform in many industries today.


Where A.I. is Found Today

A.I. has proven itself useful in today’s day and age, but where could we find it most commonly? Today, artificial intelligence can be used to improve customer experience, especially for those who enjoy shopping. The E-commerce industry has found a new and personalized way to engage with their customers, like making recommendations that correlate with a user’s purchase and browsing history. Many companies also refer customers to an A.I. chatbot that can answer frequently asked questions. This provides the customer with a quicker and more efficient fix, rather than having to wait on the phone for a live customer service operator. Education has also utilized A.I., giving administrators and other faculty members the ability to educate more students at a time. This enables teachers to digitize their programs, creating educational content for a larger audience. Healthcare has also made some productive breakthroughs with the help of A.I., used in machines that can detect diseases and analyze lab work much quicker than the average worker. 


How To Celebrate 

If you want to find ways to celebrate and appreciate artificial intelligence, simply take the time to research it. Where you find A.I. might surprise and fascinate you, and learning about what it does to improve our daily lives is the best way to express gratitude. You may be surprised to learn that A.I. is even found in your favorite video game. Pick up the nearest PC or controller and interact with the game’s NCP characters. If you wish to become more hands-on, create your own project by teaching yourself or others how to program, a skill that could benefit you and your future self later down the line. If you happen to spark up an interest, convince yourself to attend A.I. conventions to gather and converse with other A.I. enthusiasts.


 Finding ways to celebrate A.I. are endless, just like the capabilities it continues to accumulate everyday. 


If you have any questions about our IT services, contact us today! Follow us on Facebook to keep up with our latest blogs!

Cookies and Privacy: What “Terms” Are You Accepting?

It’s common to jump on a website and immediately see a pop-up regarding accepting cookies, and can even be mandatory if you wish to continue to the site. But have you ever truly understood what exactly you’re accepting? Cookies and privacy terms can vary website to website, but here’s what you should know before you make the click.

What Are Cookies?

Cookies allow websites to remember and store information when you use their site. This information can include your name, your login, your purchase history, and more. Depending on what site you visit, it may or may not be wise to accept cookies. Some sites enforce the use of cookies to produce a better experience for the user. This can include personalizing the site based on your preferences and to save your desired items for later. Some cookies are placed by advertisers, which is considered a third party to the site. In this instance, you may want to install safety software to prevent private information from being stolen. The privacy terms you are accepting are there to let you know that the site is transparent about data tracking. So if this concerns you, be sure to read over the conditions before allowing cookie usage. 

When To Say No

While most websites use cookies to create a better experience, there are plenty of reasons to be cautious. If you notice a website is not encrypted, it means there is very little protection for your information. If you are able to catch that the cookie agreement is for third parties, refrain from accepting them. This can allow your data to be stolen, sold, and more vulnerable to hackers. Finally, if you are entering in personal or banking information, do not allow cookies to be used. It is always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to your data.

It can be hard to differentiate between a trustworthy or an untrustworthy site, so always pay attention to what terms you accept. If you have any questions about our IT services, contact us today! Follow us on Facebook to keep up with our latest blogs!

Using AI in Cybersecurity

As cybercriminals become more evolved, cybersecurity must always be a few steps ahead to prevent potential challenges. In order to achieve this, companies are beginning to utilize the power of artificial intelligence to better protect data. How will this improve or disrupt cybersecurity? It is up for discussion but could possibly become the best strategy against cyber threats.


How AI Can Contribute 

As a trending tool, the world has reacted both positively and negatively to the increased use in AI devices. Many fear the capabilities of AI and many also doubt it, but it has become a hot topic either way. AI has the potential to make interferences humans may not catch, and they can prevent online threats with faster, proactive, actions. Since it is a machine, it can handle large amounts of data while simultaneously searching through threats. This means AI can catch more potential threats at once while not letting any slip through the cracks. AI can also assist human analysts flag malicious activities so that preventative measures can be taken quicker. This saves time and can prevent multiple security incidents before they happen.


The Issue 

While AI can greatly benefit the cybersecurity industry, machines will never completely replace the accuracy of a human analyst. Organizations should never fully rely on AI and should invest in other forms of security as well. AI can also be vulnerable to cyber threats, so it’s important to continuously monitor its system to better protect data. Cyber Attackers can manipulate the AI input data installed, which can lead to cyber data breaches. Using AI systems is also very costly, and human oversight will always be required no matter what system you implement.


To include AI in your security system is based on preference, since it can be both helpful but not foolproof. The decision is yours to make, but cyber security must always be evolving to ensure data safety. If you have any questions about our IT services, contact us today! Follow us on Facebook to keep up with our latest blogs!

Cyber Security When On Vacation

While in office, cyber safety should always remain a huge priority. With the summer months quickly approaching, more people will clock out of the office for a vacation. Though you won’t be working for the time being, it doesn’t mean that you should take a vacation from protecting your sensitive data. Here are some ways to maintain strong cyber security when on vacation. 


Beware Of Free Wi-Fi

You might think you’re not at risk while away from the desk, but this is not the case. If you decide to bring along a work laptop or work phone, pay attention to a few helpful tips to avoid a cyber attack. Starting off, make sure to not use free Wi-Fi. Having the option to connect to free Wi-Fi can seem great, but it can also expose your devices and any personal information that resides within them. A good way to avoid hackers accessing your data is to use a strong VPN or use your phone as a hotspot. Sometimes our devices connect automatically, so be sure to disable this feature before traveling. 


Keep Track Of Your Devices

It is important to never leave your devices unattended for a number of reasons, but especially if your device holds important data. Make sure to keep track of items such as USB drives or tablets, even if it’s your toddler’s ipad. Any device you own will possess some kind of valuable information such as saved passwords and banking information. This is what hackers are looking for and will not hesitate to steal your devices if they are not held closely. 


Refrain From Using Community Computers

Depending on your trip and where you plan to stay, refrain from using shared computers of any kind. Some hotels or vacation rentals will provide computers for guest’s use, but should never be trusted for remote assignments. Purchases, checking emails, or social media can also lead to cyberthreats if not careful. To protect you or your company, it is best to work on your own personal computer to avoid risk.

People go on vacation to enjoy time away from the office and with their families, so be prepared before clocking out. If you have any questions about our IT services, contact us today! Follow us on Facebook to keep up with our latest blogs!

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