(713) 682-4000 sales@westecservices.net

Quantum Computing


Quantum mechanics are more powerful than ever. Different from the average computer, quantum computing offers an advanced level of algorithms and benefits that continue to develop and transform. Due to their advancements, they are continuing to grow in popularity and change the way we use technology.  



What is Quantum Computing?

Quantum computing can be described as a unique set of equations and algorithms that are based on quantum mechanics and physics. They have collective properties including interference, superposition and entanglement that perform tasks such as completing calculations. These unique systems are then introduced to computing making it possible to solve many problems and aid in traditional programming methods. 


How does it work?

To understand how quantum computing works, it is important to know the certain elements used including qubits. Qubits are the unit measurement for quantum computing. They have potential to do things differently and can hold lots of information. The quantum system has a house or a storage facility that keeps the qubits and keeps them at a temperature above absolute zero. This is to prevent interference that might happen with the signals. Some systems also use a vacuum chamber to stop internal vibrations.  In order to use them in this type of computing, the system must have a method for transferring signals. This is embedded in quantum systems. More common systems include lasers, microwaves and voltage. Then from the transfer stage, it gets sent to a classic computer that can then read and run the desired program. 



There are multiple benefits when it comes to this specialized hardware. One being optimization. With the help of quantum computing, researchers can use a specific algorithm that cannot be used with average computers. Not only that but it can then create even more complex systems and equations that aid in online traffic within the system, deliveries and energy storage. Another benefit is searching online. With the help of this computing, it can sort through lots of data and present the desired results that classic commuters and algorithms can’t do. 


Have any questions about the right technology services for you or your business? WesTec services can help. Contact us with any questions you may have and follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter

Future of Algorithms

Algorithms are one of the most used technologies in the world. They are used for anything and everything, including cell phones, computers, security systems and more. Businesses also use algorithms for a better success rate and improve their optimization. Here’s how businesses are using algorithms.  

Human Resources

Algorithms are most used in the human resource field. Certain algorithms sort people or items into categories that can later be used by the business. This is also used in popular job posting websites. They can easily sort through candidates based on specific qualifications the job has put in place. Overall, with the help of algorithms, this leads to more efficiency and productivity in all work fields. 



Algorithms can soon find themselves in the healthcare industry. With them, doctors can easily input symptoms into the system and find the right medication or treatment for the illness. Not only that, but it can track and categorize patients that make it easier for doctors to pull records. Algorithm programs specifically for this have already made their way to the healthcare field and can be used with other technologies such as artificial intelligence making a more advanced healthcare system. 



Have you ever opened a social media app and seen an advertisement for something you recently looked up or interested in? That is a result of an algorithm. They take into account anything you have looked up, liked, or typed and put it through a filter system that shows certain information, items or advertisements that are catered to you. This is the most popular way algorithms are used. 


It is also important to know that everyone has access to algorithms and correlating data. From big, well known companies to small start up businesses, algorithms can be used and be beneficial for all. 


Want to know more about how algorithms can help your business? WesTec services can help! Feel free to contact us and check out our services to see how we can assist you. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter for updates.

Phishing Scams During the Holiday Season

With holiday’s right around the corner, this makes for a scammer’s perfect opportunity to conduct phishing scams. Researchers have stated that this year, phishing scams are going to increase significantly. More phishing scams are done via mobile devices, making it easier than ever to have your information stolen. But how do we protect ourselves during this vulnerable time? 


Phishing Scams

Phishing scams are intensified during the holiday season due to the high traffic of online shoppers and the urge for people to look for deals. One popular way scammers do this is by sending emails or text messages about an offer that is too good to be passed up. For example, they list a popular technology device for cheap. Most people would just look at the price and proceed with the scam. Another scam is when they mimic bigger companies online to get credit card information or being able to log onto the device when a certain URL is clicked. These mainly happen through emails. They might send an email about a recent fake purchase to get you to click on the URL. These scams are going unnoticed and can do lots of harm. It is important to know how to prevent these scams and protect your information. 



It is inevitable that these scams will make their way to you. One way to identify a scam is to check the grammar of the message. Usually scams will be misspelled or the message came from a third party source. This is the easiest way to quickly identify the scam. 


Be cautious about providing personal information such as phone numbers or credit card numbers. Make sure before you provide information that it is a reliable and trustworthy source. 


If a phishing scam is sent to you, it is best to not respond. A response to these scams lets the scammer know you are a ‘real’ person and will likely be targeted again. If this does happen, there is an option to report the scam to the Spam Reporting Service. 


Holidays make for a great time to buy gifts for loved ones, but this also means it is more likely to come across a phishing scam. It is important to know how to identify the scam and how to prevent and protect yourself. 


Scams can be irritating and hard to effectively prevent them. WesTec services can help you in any way. We offer skilled expertise in all technologies and are ready to help. Contact us for any further information on phishing and how to protect yourself. 

What is Blockchain Technology?

Blockchain technology is one of the most effective ways to have secure and connected information. It stores information and then ‘chains’ it with more databases linking them together. This creates an irreversible timeline of data that can be beneficial.



How Does it Work?

The main purpose of a blockchain is to send information that can be sent to other databases but cannot be edited. This is important when distributing important information. The first step in this process is the transaction. This is when the information is first introduced to the database. As more information is entered, it creates a chain that can spread to other systems. 


How Secure is it? 

The main question regarding blockchain technology is how safe it is. Due to its inability to edit any information, this makes this one of the safest ways to spread information. Not only that, but it stores everything chronologically and linearly. Even if hackers try to interrupt a chain, it wouldn’t line up with the rest of the block, immediately notifying users. 


Ways to Use Blockchains

This technology can be used in many ways including banking, currency, healthcare, smart contacts, supply chains and voting. Since this system is secure and easily distributed, many companies find this the most effective way to store their information. Big companies such as Walmart and  Pfizer actively use blockchains to distribute their records or important documents. 


Blockchain technology is finally making it’s way into modern life. From its effectiveness and security, more companies are finding ways to incorporate this technology into their businesses. 


Have any questions about the right technology services for you or your business? WesTec services can help. Contact us with any questions you may have and follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter


The Future of Programming


System programming is constantly evolving and improving. In the year 2022 we can see the future of programming to be transformed completely due to the rise and fall of servers and tools. Here is what we can expect from this change:


More Abstract

The future of everything revolves around improving and adjusting to specific trends and topics. Our world of technology is becoming more abstract than ever. Workers will be able to work at a higher level and create new things such as virtual reality augmented reality. These are just a few ways of how certain programming techniques can become relatively popular. 


Universal Language

Programming language used to be complex and complicated. Now, with softwares such as artificial intelligence, these languages can be read and understood by many people. The languages can be made into visual representations and can be made dominant. The new way of this language is universal and improves the way that technology is communicated. 


Education System

It’s no surprise that technology is everywhere, but with the future of programming, it can be seen in the education system. Schools are combining modern programming with reading, writing equations to create a new curriculum. This will also aid in the modernization and improvement of programming in generations to come. 


Artificial intelligence

Many companies are taking advantage of artificial intelligence when it comes to software programming. This is a smart tool used for development of many kinds. AI can do the work of many people in a short amount of time and can be precisely programmed to do certain tasks. This is making programming easier and faster. Although artificial intelligence is creating a permanent space in the technology world, developers can determine that AI will not replace actual developers in the future. 


The future of programming can be overwhelming and uncertain. WesTec services can help you tackle the new ways of programming. Feel free to contact us for any questions or concerns you may have. We have been provided technology support since 1997 and we are skilled in the field. We look forward to helping you in any way we can.

The Benefits of Server Virtualization

In this age of technology we try to find a way to make it work faster and more effectively. Server virtualization helps companies do multiple things at once and create an up to date workspace. 

What is Server Virtualization?

Server virtualization is described as dividing hardwares into multiple separate servers. Each of these servers can do many tasks all at the same time. They have the capability to run at a faster speed without any internal complications. They can either be connected with other servers or work singly. 


With any type of  virtualization, it maximizes the power used to do the job of multiple machines all on one server. They can be programmed to do exactly what you need and at what pace. Specific solutions, safety protocols can all be used with specific servers. There are multiple servers to choose from including:

  • Full- Virtualization: Specialized server that conducts power to remaining servers and cross operating systems. 
  • Para- Virtualization: This server is aware of other servers in the systems and relies on them. This server works together with others to manage jobs and information. 
  • OS- Level Virtualization: Most basic level of virtualization. This system is managed by the physical server’s operating system. 


Modern technologies and companies are using virtualization to work more efficiently. This different type of server can reach full potential and take the stress off of the workload. In the long run, this is also a cheaper alternative as if any problems occur, it can be resolved internally and then connected to the other servers. 


Server virtualization is the most powerful way to run a business. A single server can do the job of multiple machines at a faster pace and with less issues. They are unique and can be used for anything and any type of business. Virtualization is extremely beneficial and is becoming more of a must in technology. 



 Virtualization can be overwhelming, but WesTec is here to help! Any further questions about server virtualization? Feel free to contact us. We would love to hear from you. 


3 Small Business Tech Trends of 2021 - WesTec Services

3 Small Business Tech Trends of 2021

It’s hard to believe we are already halfway through 2021! It’s been a whirlwind year thus far, but we have seen many advancements in business technology. As remote work becomes the new normal, businesses everywhere have begun adopting new technology and software to make this transition easier. Here are a few small business tech trends that have proven to be revolutionary this year:

3 Small Business Tech Trends of 2021 - WesTec Services

AI-Operated CRMs

In 2021, small businesses everywhere are looking to streamline their work with CRM software. AI-operated CRMs (Customer Relationship Management) allow businesses to effectively identify, track, and target leads through automated campaigns. Businesses have found that CRMs are a more effective approach to their sales processes, as this software produces more personalized customer engagement.


Remote Onboarding

Since the pandemic, many industries are making the switch to remote work. As smooth and successful as this transition has been for some, remote work may become a more long-term option. Now, businesses are implementing remote onboarding software to simplify and expedite the hiring process. This new software is more convenient and cost-effective than traditional hiring processes.

3 Small Business Tech Trends of 2021 - WesTec Services

Centralized, Comprehensive HR Software

Remote work provides so much ease and convenience for employees and executives alike. However, with limited human-to-human contact, HR departments have had difficulty keeping up with the needs of their employees. With the introduction of centralized HR software, HR professionals can automate daily processes and store data. This software will also improve performance management and employee communication.


At WesTec Services, business technology is our specialty. From Managed Services and Network Installation to IT Consulting and more, we’re your one-stop shop. From computer hardware and software to telephone systems and integrated security, we’ll make it all work seamlessly together. 

Interested in learning more about the services we offer? Visit our website or contact WesTec Services today!

Want to stay up-to-date on emerging business technology trends? Visit our blog.

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Last-Minute Spring Cleaning: Maintaining Your Business Technology - Westec Services

Last-Minute Spring Cleaning: Maintaining Your Business Technology

Summer is right around the corner. If you haven’t tackled Spring cleaning yet, now is your opportunity! Here are a few ways to clean up your system and improve its overall performance with regular maintenance:


Business Technology MaintenanceDust with compressed air and wipe down the monitor

Starting with the outside of your system, dust the keyboard and mouse with a can of compressed air. Compressed air is strong and will clean out any built up dust particles and other grime. You may also consider wiping down your keyboard and mouse with an antibacterial solution, to rid the surfaces of germs and bacteria. Avoid spraying the keyboard and mouse directly — instead, lightly spritz a rag and wipe. Wipe down your monitor with a microfiber cloth to remove fingerprints and anything else that may be crusted to the monitor. 


Clean hardware system

Once you have dusted the outside of your system, you should focus on cleaning your hardware. Before you begin, close any active programs/files, shut your computer down, and unplug the computer from the wall. Unscrew the hardware casing and use compressed air to dust all the nooks and crannies of your system. Compressed air is safe to use on hardware and should not cause any damage.


Turn your computer off or restart regularly 

Simply putting your computer to sleep while it is not in use will cause your system minimal damage. However, you should make a habit of restarting or shutting your system down every now and then — especially if you use an older system. Rebooting your computer will prevent overheating and will allow your system to refresh its settings and resources. Allowing your computer to reboot and refresh will improve its overall performance.


Business Technology MaintenanceClear up drive space

One thing that will slow your computer’s performance is a full drive. Improve your computer’s performance by clearing up drive space regularly — there’s no reason to hold on to files and downloads you no longer need! Delete any unnecessary files and consider moving files you wish to keep to an external harddrive.


Remove malware and viruses  

Malware can affect operability and cause data loss or theft. There are a number of ways your system can be infected by malware and other viruses. Therefore, it is important that you use antivirus software to protect your computer and remove any potential threats. This software will run diagnostics, identify viruses, and resolve these.


Install updates

It is important that you install program updates regularly, as to ensure all programs are running efficiently. Failing to install new updates can affect the speed and performance of your programs. Most programs have regular updates that will address security holes and minimize unnecessary features.



At WesTec Services, we believe regular maintenance is crucial for maintaining the health of your system. With regular maintenance, you can prevent the worst from happening — and prevention is key! 

Most IT consultants simply put band-aid fixes on computer network problems and react to problems instead of looking for ways to prevent them from happening in the first place. As with most things in life, prevention really is better than cure — and it’s no surprise to find that prevention is the secret of good IT support too. Interested in learning more about our IT services? Contact us today!

Don’t forget to follow us on FacebookTwitter, and LinkedIn!

The Importance of a Computer Network Health Check Audit - WesTec Services

The Importance of a Computer Network Health Check Audit

The Importance of a Computer Network Health Check Audit - WesTec Services97% of the day to day problems that you experience with your computer network can be fixed easily and inexpensively with regular and proactive maintenance. If you’re experiencing unnecessary technical disruptions, you need a computer network health check audit. WesTec Services has compiled a list of benefits of network health audits:


Measures performance

One of the primary purposes of conducting a network health check audit is to measure the performance of your system. A health audit will measure the speed and security of your computer. Speed and security can affect your productivity. Therefore, it is important to determine whether your computer is performing the way it should be.


The Importance of a Computer Network Health Check Audit - WesTec ServicesIdentifies vulnerabilities

A health audit can also help you identify all the ways your computer could be vulnerable to malware and other viruses. According to DataProt, 30% of computers in the United States are infected with some type of virus — that means there are a lot of people experiencing downtime. Downtime can put you out of business, so it is important to identify vulnerabilities before they affect your system. If your computer has already been infected, a health audit will find this, as well.  


Offers recommendations and solutions

Once the health audit is completed, IT professionals can offer recommendations or solutions to problems plaguing your system. The IT professionals working on your system are trained in knowing how to address common concerns that can prevent your system from performing the way it should be.


At WesTec Services, we offer computer network health check audits (worth $295) at no cost to you! After performing an audit of your system, we will generate a report that details all system vulnerabilities and offer recommendations for improving the functionality of your system. Interested in learning more? Schedule a call with one of our professionals today!

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3 Crucial Security Solutions to Employ as a Business Owner - WesTec Services

3 Crucial Security Solutions to Employ as a Business Owner

A security threat of any kind can disrupt productivity and impact business. What precautions are you taking to ensure your company does not fall victim to these disruptions? Here are 3 security solutions you should employ as a business owner:  

Backup Disaster/Recovery

System failure can occur for a variety of reasons, such as virus infection, human error, and natural disaster. Regardless, system failure occurs without warning and could easily put you out of business if you are not prepared. Therefore, it is crucial you implement some sort of backup and data recovery software to protect your network. If you store important or confidential files on your computers, you simply cannot afford to be without backup and data recovery.  

Access Control Systems

Another way to protect your business against security threats would be to implement an access control system. With access control systems, facility owners may install security technology such as ID key entries and finger-printing scanners in order to track who enters the building. This technology can also record the time and date guests arrive and leave.   

CCTV or IP Security System

Video surveillance is another great solution for businesses looking to increase security efforts, especially when paired with access control systems. Installing cameras at key entrances and exits will allow a facility owner to better monitor who enters the building. Unlike backup disaster/recovery, access control systems and CCTV protect against external security threats.   Why wait until you need a solution in order to implement preventative measures? Most IT consultants simply react to problems instead of looking for ways to prevent them from happening in the first place. At WesTec Services, we believe prevention is better than a cure; prevention is key to maintaining productivity and cash flow. Protect your assets – call WesTec Services and schedule a meeting with one of our IT professionals to discuss what security solutions are best suited for your business!

Mission: WesTec will be a “turn-key” solution for all of its clients’ business connectivity needs. It will offer efficient and effective solutions, directly and with strategic partners, that create tangible value for its clients at every point of contact. Westec will serve all people and entities with a servant’s heart.

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Houston, TX 77018

(713) 682-4000


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