(713) 682-4000 sales@westecservices.net

Best Awareness Training Topics: Company Security

Human errors can happen, and can be the cause of up to 95% of cybersecurity related breaches. With that being said, the best way to prevent these mistakes would be to implement solid training to your employees. The purpose of training is to strengthen your team’s knowledge and awareness of modern threats and how to combat them properly. Regular training will keep your employees up to date, helping your company steer clear of most errors. To achieve this, here are some of the best awareness training topics to consider.


Phishing Attacks

Phishing attacks impersonate the company or professional you work for, luring users to click on suspicious links. Many attempts in the past have been easier to recognize, but phishing attacks have become more intelligent overtime. They pose a great threat due to how believable they can be, and can cause a cyber attack if fallen for. Train your employees on this subject to help them identify suspicious activity, messages, or attachments.


Passwords and Authentication

Passwords can seem like a simple log-in element, but they are what protects your company’s security. If you use a common or easily guessed password, you are putting yourself at risk for a cyber attack. Cyber criminals will attempt to log into your accounts in hopes of gaining access to your sensitive information. Bring this to your employees’s attention through complex training, reminding them of the importance of updating their work passwords. Authentication methods can be made more secure by adding questions that the employee will only know the answer to. Express the significance of passwords and why you should always keep them confidential.


Remote Work

Working remotely is a great way to meet a well balanced lifestyle between work and social life. However, utilizing personal devices can increase the risk of a security breach. Make sure your remote employees are trained to understand the importance of installing antivirus software to home laptops to prevent cyber attacks. It is also important to never leave your device unattended when containing important company files. To successfully work remotely without risking data security, educate your staff to be aware of these dangers.

Your security is to be protected, so administering training will improve standards of the company as a whole. If you have any questions about our IT services, contact us today! Follow us on Facebook to keep up with our latest blogs!

System Administrator Appreciation Day (July 28th)

When it comes to IT work, it can take a village to keep everything up and running smoothly. There are a lot of important roles and responsibilities in this industry, and should all be recognized for what they contribute. Coming up on July 28th, 2023, we call all IT companies to celebrate and to show appreciation to their system administrators. 


What is a System Administrator?

A system administrator or sysadmin, is a technology professional who upholds multi user computing systems to ensure smooth IT operation and performance. They are the ones who monitor the company’s computer systems and internet servers, while installing protective software and troubleshooting hardware. They keep the ball rolling smoothly, creating a functional computing environment. Specific tasks include but are not limited to patching unstable software, performing backup recovery, and identifying cyber security threats. These abilities are crucial and allow other parts of the department to function normally. 


How to Celebrate

The system administrator position is consistently evolving at a rigorous pace, meaning that learning and developing never stops for them. To celebrate their commitment to making such a difference in the IT world, try and learn more about what their purpose is and what they do. As the specialized problem solvers they are, they deserve recognition for keeping everyone afloat. Treat these professionals with office cake, ice cream, or a well deserved day off! Order in lunch for the staff in lieu of the special holiday, taking the opportunity to shine that spotlight on your favorite sysadmin. 


When it comes to IT, all positions are complex and play a huge role in a company. On July 28th, let us recognize the importance of system administrators and show them our gratitude for their role. 


If you have any questions about our IT services, contact us today! Follow us on Facebook to keep up with our latest blogs!


National Flash Drive Day

USB flash drives have been a practical and reliable way to transport valuable files to and from different computers. Since the year of 2000, they have been a viable trinket to businesses and students when needing to back up data. Over the years, their storage capacity has reached a whooping 512GB, when it only started at 8 MB. For something so small to become so powerful is a huge deal, which is how it came to getting its own national holiday. 


Benefits of the Flash Drive

In respect to the flash drive’s infamous reputation, let start by noting reasons why they come in handy when storing data. A flash drive is very simple to use, and can be easily stowed away because of its size and weight. It is a relatively fast way to transfer files over to different devices, as well as having plenty of storage options. While all these things make the flash drive great, security should remain the biggest concern and priority.


Is it Secure?

Flash drives can be secure if they have advanced enough features. Some are equipped with a passcode, preventing users from accessing private material if your flash drive becomes lost or stolen. The problem is that hackers utilize this nifty object to help invade your personal information to spread attacks. It’s important to be aware of what you insert into your computer, considering that a flash drive is capable of carrying dangerous malware. This kind of threat can rupture your IT infrastructure, creating various amounts of issues. These threats can be so serious that in certain situations, the damage is irreversible. Plugging a drive into the USB port can record and gather the information it needs. This information could include access passcodes, sensitive data, and business owned files. Attackers can also use flash drives to maliciously damage your PC all together, completely destroying anything it’s electronically attached to.



While it may seem far-fetched to assume something as tiny as a flash drive can wreak all this havoc, you must consider the importance of your or your business’s data to ensure proper security. Backing up digital data can be simple and secure with the right form of integrated security. If you have any questions about our IT services, contact us today!

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Gmail vs. Outlook: Email Platform Blog

Gmail Vs. Outlook: What’s Best for Your Business?

What’s better, Gmail or Outlook? These are the two leading platforms when it comes to business email. Both are great options and come with good features and security. They also cost about the same.  The one you choose will be based on your business’s specific needs. 

Gmail OverviewGmail 

While Outlook has about 7 years on Gmail, the email platform offers some great features for business. The apps that are included with a Google Workspaces subscription allow your team to work on projects at the same time. You don’t have to download and send the document. You can share the Google Docs, Sheets, or Slides within the apps. You also don’t have to worry about making sure you’re working on the latest version. 

Outlook Overview 

Outlook’s interface is a little bit more confusing than Gmail’s but the program offers advanced management features and allows you to manage other users’ inboxes and calendars. There is also the ability to set more advanced rules. It may be a better choice if your company is sending a large number of emails. 


When comparing costs, both programs are very similar. Both have a free version that comes with 15GB of storage. Note that the free versions would not have your domain connected and would not be the best option for businesses.

Starter Plans – Gmail and Outlook both have a starter plan that cost $6 per month per user. Google’s plan comes with 30GB of storage and the ability to work offline. Outlook’s plan comes with 1TB of storage but includes only web and mobile apps. 

Standard Plans – The standard Gmail plan is $12 a month per user. It includes 2TB of storage. The Outlook standard plan is $12.50 a month per user and comes with 1TB of storage. It also includes the downloadable desktop apps that are not included with the starter plan. 


While both email platforms offer top security which is included in all plans. Outlook has more security features in its highest tier and allows users to encrypt emails. This would be a good option for hospitals or businesses that needed to send medical information or other confidential messages. Gmail’s security is also good and offers excellent malware and malicious software detection. 

Both Gmail and Outlook are good options for business and offer great features. If you have any questions about setting up your business email or switching platforms, contact us today!

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Cloud server vs on-site server

Cloud vs. Physical Servers: What’s Best for Your Business

If you are starting a business or need to update your server, you might be wondering if you should go with local or cloud-based servers. There are benefits and drawbacks to both. 

Cloud Server 

A cloud server is a virtual hosted storage place for your business’ data. It is stored with other companies’ data. There is security in place that ensures that other people with the same cloud server do not have access to your data. Cloud servers are easy and quick to implement. If your company is growing and you need more space in the future, it is easy to scale. With a cloud server, you only pay for what you use. You also save money on maintenance and labor costs because it is the vendor’s responsibility to manage the server and is often included in your plan. The cloud service provider will handle updates and security. Backing up your data on a cloud server can also be done with ease. This is a valuable feature of cloud servers because your data can be recovered with a proper backup plan in place. Cloud servers are a good option for most businesses. 

Physical Server 

An On-Site Server is physical hardware either on your property or housed at an outsourced IT provider’s facility. On-site servers often require a larger upfront investment because you have to purchase the hardware for the system. Security and maintenance also require more time and cost because the server will be managed by you. These can be outsourced but this does allow you more control over the server. While cloud-based servers are always innovating and updating their systems, upgrades to a local server fall to you. Setting up the server will also take more effort on your part than a cloud server. With an on-site server, you do have more control over features and customization. Cloud servers limit you to what the vendor provides but local servers are fully customizable only limited by your cost and time investments. 


Cost – If your company has a large amount of data, the upfront cost of an on-site server may be worth the investment. With a cloud server and the pay-for-what-you-use model, this can be a cost-effective option for most businesses. 

Security – With a physical server, the responsibility of security falls to you or the third-party company you chose to house your server. Cloud-based server providers are often constantly updating their security measures as a perk to gain more customers and are often very secure. That said, both systems can be very secure and keep your data safe with proper management and maintenance.

Overall: What’s better for your business? 

The answer to this question is, it depends on your needs. Every company is different and has different needs when it comes to a server. Large businesses with medical information might benefit from investing in an on-site server and may be required to do so for security purposes. Other companies that plan on growing would benefit from the ability to scale with a cloud-based server. 

If you need help with server management and maintenance or want to understand what server type would best suit your needs, contact us today. One of our team members can go over options and help you decide which would be the best fit for your business.

To take advantage of our free computer network health check audit, contact us today! Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook!

Network Installation and Maintenance

Network Installation and Maintenance

To share information, important files, and connect throughout the day, your company will need an effective computer network. This will connect all of your computers through a configured network. If you already have a network set up, but struggling throughout the day to access the correct files because your current network is glitching or having loading issues, we can help. Our team can help with network installation and maintenance.

Network Installation  

When you have a network that isn’t up to par or just not upgraded enough to serve your company efficiently, you and your employees are the ones that suffer. A slow, glitchy network not only hinders a person’s ability to get a task done but also lowers morale among your staff. 

Our team can help you decide which network options are best for you and your company. To see where your network stands, we offer free computer network health check audits. We come to your business and test your network and security and see if we could improve your network. We’ll provide you with a report of our findings at the end of the check. 

Reasons for Installing 

Installing a company computer network allows your employees to work and communicate seamlessly with each other. If it is not up to date, it could mean that your employee’s workflow isn’t as efficient as it could be. Having a failing network could also mean security risks. Spyware, loss of data, and failing drives could all be possible on a network that does not have the right security measures in place. 

Maintenance Services 

A key component to a company network is maintenance. Updates for the network will need to be done regularly to keep the network operating as efficiently as possible. This will help make sure all security measures are up to date, the network is operating at maximum speed, and your company is able to be productive without network downtime. 

A company’s computer network is one of the most important aspects of modern businesses. Without an adequate network, your company and employees could be suffering and work could be hindered. 

To take advantage of our free computer network health check audit, contact us today! Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook!

The Importance of Location in Surveillance System Installation

If you own a business, protecting it is probably on the top of your priority list. Surveillance systems and cameras can help you do just that. When making the decisions about CCTV or IP cameras, there are a few different factors to consider before mounting them.


Surveillance System Camera

The first thing you want to identify when deciding on the  location(s) of your security cameras is, what are you trying to protect? Is it one building? All the doors to the office? Outdoor equipment? Employee workspaces? Thinking about these questions will help you narrow down exactly where you need cameras and what type.  The whole purpose of a security camera is to protect your business from numerous different threats.  Making sure you are capturing the correct areas is the first step.

Power Source

Cameras need a power source to operate. Is there access to a power connection or can new wiring be installed in the areas you are wanting to place the cameras, or do you want to go with a battery powered or solar panel option.


Thinking about the places you are installing the cameras and the material that the surveillance cameras will be mounted to. There are many different brackets and methods for mounting security cameras. Our professionals can help you decide what would work best for your needs.


There are many all-weather or weather resistant cameras. Thinking about what kind of environment your security system will need to operate in will help you decide the location and what type of camera you will need.


Are there lights in the area you want to cover? Is it natural or artificial lights? At night is the space well lit or will you need a camera with night vision?


There are many factors that go into deciding the location of your security cameras and the type of system that would be best for your business. Surveillance cameras help protect your company from a range of hazards from theft and crime to workplace accidents. WesTec Services can help make sure you are getting the most out of your surveillance system and assist with answering those questions about camera placement. 

Contact us today if you have any questions about adding a surveillance system to your business or learn more about installing a WesTec Guardian CCTV/ Video Surveillance System here.

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Confidential Data Storage

Step by Step: How to Safely Store Confidential Data

Now, more than ever, we have to be cautious of our personal documents – whether professional or personal. Information can be easily leaked, lost, or hacked. Follow this step-by-step guide to safely store confidential data:

Disk Encryption

First, enable full disk encryption. This protects all confidential data if its devices fall into the wrong hands. There is software that does the job for you on Microsoft and Apple devices. It is important to note that said software should not be turned off or deleted once applied – this will assure that data stays safe. 

Secure Hard Disks and Flash Drives

Second, important data can be stolen through physical media such as external hard disks or flash drives rather than digitally. Said devices should never be taken out of the place of business or left unattended. In addition, there should always be a backup to your backup, which is where encryption comes into play. 

Password-Protected Archives

Third, any data that has not been previously stored/encrypted should never be transferred over the internet. Sending important data over programs such as e-mail or file sharing services is sometimes required, but never ideal; however, the easiest way to avoid data theft is to encrypt the data and put it in a password-protected archive. Passwords for the archive should be set through a different channel.

Safely Delete Old Data

Fourth, companies sometimes hoard information that they no longer need. Most times, said information has classified or important data that should not be possessed by the wrong person. The best way to keep the information safe is by getting rid of it once it is of no use to the company. Additionally, never forget to also delete it from the Recycle bin as well; for anything sensitive, use a file-shredder to prevent recovery. 

Secure Passwords

Lastly, any archives or passwords created for data storage should be safely secured. Losing and leaking passwords is not a difficult task. The easiest way to keep passwords secure is through programs such as Kasperski. 

To Store Confidential Data is simple, when the right steps are followed. Practice the above, and your data will be protected for years to come. For any additional questions or requests, contact us

5 Risks of Cloud Computing


Cloud computing and storage has increased in popularity. It has many benefits including security and effectiveness, but with time, cloud computing has become vulnerable to many risks. Here are five risks of cloud computing:


1.Misconfigured Settings

With many people using cloud computing, there is often a chance for a misab in the settings. A misconfigured setting is when some of the data stored in the cloud is not protected and it becomes breached. This is all because the purpose of the cloud is to make things fast and convenient and sometimes this causes more information to be less restricted. To fix this setting, it is ideal to check the cloud regularly and check the access permissions. 

2. Poor Data Quality 

When all your data is in the cloud, it can make it easier to overlook some information. Not only that, but when you share information via the cloud, it can make the information vulnerable to hackers and getting lost. To ensure the quality of your data, it’s a good idea to separate your data within categories and put security measures in place. 

3. Employee Training

One of the risks when it comes to cloud computing is not properly training employees on the risks. Most of the time, data is stolen due to phishing scams and security breaches. These can be prevented by teaching employees on how to identify scams. 

4. Security Policies 

Insufficient security policies can hurt all data in the cloud. When a security policy is not correct, it puts so many things at risk. To ensure you have adequate policies, it is important to know who can access the cloud, what data should be in the cloud and what to do when a breach occurs. 

5. Choosing the Provider


There are many cloud providers out there, and some aren’t the safest when it comes to storing data. Before determining what provider you want to use, make sure to research all providers. 


Are you having trouble with cloud computing? Westec Services can help! Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns. 

Pros and Cons of Machine Learning


Machine learning is a type of artificial intelligence that is capable of predicting, detecting and prescribing solutions to many equations. It is mainly used by inserting thousands of images or algorithms into the system, which causes it to recognize the data and know the difference between them. This creates an algorithm that can be used for digital chat bots, voice recognition services and spam detection softwares. But what are the pros and cons of machine learning?


When it comes to the pros of machine learning, there are many including prediction, detection and prescription. These complex machines are able to conduct data analysis fast and are more effective than any human. They can predict accurate information that can lead to more health and technological advances. Along with predicting information, machines can also detect this information at a faster rate than humans. They can detect data, images, voices and more. Not only can machines predict and detect information, they can also create solutions for certain algorithms. Scientists believe that machine learning devices can create solutions 100 times faster than humans. Machine learning can be used for many different areas of work or study, especially with the amount of tasks it can perform. 


On the other hand, machine learning does have some disadvantages including data privacy and security. Machine learning can conduct many solutions including facial and voice recognition, which can be a problem for some people. When the machine does these types of tasks, many people argue that it is taking vital information from people and storing it internally. When the data is stored, almost anyone can access it, leaving a problem of data security. How to Avoid a Spear-Phishing Attack - WesTec Services

The bottom line is that machine learning is extremely useful. Like other technologies, it has its pros and cons. 

WesTec Services is your one-stop-source for all things IT support & consulting in Houston! Does your business require network installation, backup & disaster recovery, managed services, consulting, and more? We’ve got you covered! Contact us today.

Mission: WesTec will be a “turn-key” solution for all of its clients’ business connectivity needs. It will offer efficient and effective solutions, directly and with strategic partners, that create tangible value for its clients at every point of contact. Westec will serve all people and entities with a servant’s heart.

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2916 West TC Jester Blvd., Suite 104

Houston, TX 77018

(713) 682-4000


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