(713) 682-4000 sales@westecservices.net

What is Blockchain Technology?

The Future of Programming

Passwordless Authentication: Internet Security

The Benefits of Server Virtualization

Leasing vs. Financing IT Equipment

Internet Security in Education: 3 Laws that Protect Students and Their Information

4 Cloud Hosting Models

3 Signs It’s Time to Adopt a VoIP Phone System

3 Small Business Tech Trends of 2021

What is 5G?

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What is Blockchain Technology?

Blockchain technology is one of the most effective ways to have secure and connected information. It stores information and then ‘chains’ it with more databases linking them together. This creates an irreversible timeline of data that can be beneficial.



How Does it Work?

The main purpose of a blockchain is to send information that can be sent to other databases but cannot be edited. This is important when distributing important information. The first step in this process is the transaction. This is when the information is first introduced to the database. As more information is entered, it creates a chain that can spread to other systems. 


How Secure is it? 

The main question regarding blockchain technology is how safe it is. Due to its inability to edit any information, this makes this one of the safest ways to spread information. Not only that, but it stores everything chronologically and linearly. Even if hackers try to interrupt a chain, it wouldn’t line up with the rest of the block, immediately notifying users. 


Ways to Use Blockchains

This technology can be used in many ways including banking, currency, healthcare, smart contacts, supply chains and voting. Since this system is secure and easily distributed, many companies find this the most effective way to store their information. Big companies such as Walmart and  Pfizer actively use blockchains to distribute their records or important documents. 


Blockchain technology is finally making it’s way into modern life. From its effectiveness and security, more companies are finding ways to incorporate this technology into their businesses. 


Have any questions about the right technology services for you or your business? WesTec services can help. Contact us with any questions you may have and follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter


The Future of Programming


System programming is constantly evolving and improving. In the year 2022 we can see the future of programming to be transformed completely due to the rise and fall of servers and tools. Here is what we can expect from this change:


More Abstract

The future of everything revolves around improving and adjusting to specific trends and topics. Our world of technology is becoming more abstract than ever. Workers will be able to work at a higher level and create new things such as virtual reality augmented reality. These are just a few ways of how certain programming techniques can become relatively popular. 


Universal Language

Programming language used to be complex and complicated. Now, with softwares such as artificial intelligence, these languages can be read and understood by many people. The languages can be made into visual representations and can be made dominant. The new way of this language is universal and improves the way that technology is communicated. 


Education System

It’s no surprise that technology is everywhere, but with the future of programming, it can be seen in the education system. Schools are combining modern programming with reading, writing equations to create a new curriculum. This will also aid in the modernization and improvement of programming in generations to come. 


Artificial intelligence

Many companies are taking advantage of artificial intelligence when it comes to software programming. This is a smart tool used for development of many kinds. AI can do the work of many people in a short amount of time and can be precisely programmed to do certain tasks. This is making programming easier and faster. Although artificial intelligence is creating a permanent space in the technology world, developers can determine that AI will not replace actual developers in the future. 


The future of programming can be overwhelming and uncertain. WesTec services can help you tackle the new ways of programming. Feel free to contact us for any questions or concerns you may have. We have been provided technology support since 1997 and we are skilled in the field. We look forward to helping you in any way we can.

Passwordless Authentication: Internet Security


 In recent years cybersecurity has been a recurring topic in the world of   technology. People are often finding ways of creating a safer way of   using  technology such as passwordless authentication. This modern way   of controlling certain accounts is safer and more effective than previous   passwords. Organizations can make this transition with these steps.


Password Replacement 

When deciding to move towards passwordless authentication, you must have an option in place. Taking away passwords with no replacement leaves a hole in the system that is unprotected. One option that can be used is an active directory. This includes strong, hardware protected credentials that allow a single sign on. 


Risk Assessment

Creating a stronger protective measure such as passwords, requires some trial and error. Having an assessment will allow you to view the possibilities of certain methods to determine what is best for you. This also takes into consideration the possibility of a breach or any harm to the system. You could also use the assessment as a way to prioritize any specific items. 


Password Usage

It’s no surprise that people have gotten so used to typing their password every time they enter a service or device. In order to correctly transition into having no passwords, this barrier must be removed. A password shouldn’t have to be used routinely and this creates a seamless transition to multiple devices. 


Eliminating Passwords 

Once all the previous steps are completed, you can start to make the transition. The removal of passwords from the identity database will truly create the new authentication. This step is the most important and must be done when everything else has been in place. Once this is done, you are not at risk for password theft and create a modern way of passwords. 

Technology is always changing to become more modernized and protective. It can be hard to keep up with all these changes, but we can help! Feel free to  Give us a call today or visit our website to see what WesTec can do for you.

The Benefits of Server Virtualization

In this age of technology we try to find a way to make it work faster and more effectively. Server virtualization helps companies do multiple things at once and create an up to date workspace. 

What is Server Virtualization?

Server virtualization is described as dividing hardwares into multiple separate servers. Each of these servers can do many tasks all at the same time. They have the capability to run at a faster speed without any internal complications. They can either be connected with other servers or work singly. 


With any type of  virtualization, it maximizes the power used to do the job of multiple machines all on one server. They can be programmed to do exactly what you need and at what pace. Specific solutions, safety protocols can all be used with specific servers. There are multiple servers to choose from including:

  • Full- Virtualization: Specialized server that conducts power to remaining servers and cross operating systems. 
  • Para- Virtualization: This server is aware of other servers in the systems and relies on them. This server works together with others to manage jobs and information. 
  • OS- Level Virtualization: Most basic level of virtualization. This system is managed by the physical server’s operating system. 


Modern technologies and companies are using virtualization to work more efficiently. This different type of server can reach full potential and take the stress off of the workload. In the long run, this is also a cheaper alternative as if any problems occur, it can be resolved internally and then connected to the other servers. 


Server virtualization is the most powerful way to run a business. A single server can do the job of multiple machines at a faster pace and with less issues. They are unique and can be used for anything and any type of business. Virtualization is extremely beneficial and is becoming more of a must in technology. 



 Virtualization can be overwhelming, but WesTec is here to help! Any further questions about server virtualization? Feel free to contact us. We would love to hear from you. 


Leasing vs. Financing IT Equipment


IT equipment is essential for businesses in 2021. The main question is — leasing vs financing IT equipment? There are pros and cons for both options, but it depends on the kind of working environment, efficiency requirements, and budget. 


One of the greatest advantages of leasing is not being financially responsible for the equipment. Rather than having your company held responsible, you would be passing the financials to the leasing company. Instead of paying up front for the equipment needed, leasing allows you to set a monthly payment. A lease is also an option that will guarantee the same equipment with fixed monthly payments. 

Financials aside, leasing provides access to the newest, up-to-date equipment. Once your equipment has run its course, you can easily upgrade. Newer equipment requires less maintenance, which allows for greater productivity. 

However, there are some disadvantages to leasing IT equipment. Depending on your leasing terms and IT needs, leasing can be more expensive than financing — especially if you sign a lease and don’t end up using the equipment, as you are still obligated to pay. 


If leasing isn’t for you, you also have the option to finance. When financing, there are no contracts involved — you simply buy the equipment directly from the source. If maintenance is required, financing allows you to go about it at your own discretion. You won’t need to make an appointment with the leasing company or be stuck with damaged equipment. When you own the equipment, you can simply take care of everything on your own. 

For businesses on a tight budget, financing is the more cost-effective option. With one simple payment, the equipment is yours! 

However, there are a few downsides when it comes to financing. Depending on the business, making a big investment like this could max out your credit lines. Furthermore, you could be stuck with outdated equipment, whereas in leasing, updated equipment is always available. 

The Final Decision 

Between financing and leasing IT equipment, both have their pros and cons. However, it is up to you to decide which option is most cost-efficient, given your budget and IT needs. For the most advanced models that don’t require one big payment, leasing would be the best option. For a one-time payment and maintenance freedom, the best option would be financing. 


  Not sure whether to finance or lease IT equipment? We can help!    Feel free to give us a call or visit our website

Internet Security in Education: 3 Laws that Protect Students and Their Information

In the era of technology, some have concerns about their privacy. In schools, the top priority is to protect students and their information. With students constantly engaging in technology, whether it be submitting homework, emails with teachers, or saving documents, state and federal internet security laws protect all this information. 



FERPA: Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act 

FERPA: Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act is one of the most widely known federal laws regarding student privacy. It applies to every educational institution or those of a similar rank. This law protects the education records of all students and sets boundaries between what information students’ parents have access to when the student becomes 18 years of age. If educational records are needed by another school, parent, or in medical cases, there must be a written permission letter from the student or guardian to release that information. Details such as name, birthdate, phone number and school attendance is not under this law and does not require a written permission. 


COPPA: Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act

Different from FERPA, COPPA: Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act is specific to the online services used by children 13 years and younger. This act controls what personal information is collected from young children. Applications and websites all have to abide by this act and schools can intervene as parental consent if needed. 


CIPA: Children’s Internet Protection Act 

In addition to protecting the privacy of students, it prevents them from seeing unwanted information while on the internet. CIPA: Children’s Internet Protection Act uses a filtered web system that schools and libraries use. This system blocks and hides harmful information or acts such as chat rooms and cyberbullying. CIPA also sets a curriculum on how to protect minors on the internet. This curriculum is required to use this program. Schools and libraries must implement these guidelines addressing a new internet safety policy. 


These three acts and laws are a preventative measure from harmful internet activities and exploitation. With the main goal of protecting students’ privacy and engaging them in new internet safety protocols these acts are required by law. 


Technology can be confusing, and it’s important to know your rights! Have any further questions on internet privacy? Contact WesTec today! And don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn

Cloud Hosting Models - WesTec

4 Cloud Hosting Models

In recent years, we have seen cloud computing become the industry standard for computing and storage resources. Cloud computing uses four different models, indicating how services are made available to users. Learn more about the 4 Cloud Hosting Models:  


Public CloudCloud Hosting Models - WesTec

Public clouds are available for anyone who would like to make use of the resource, from low security application development to file and email sharing. One example of this would be Google applications such as Gmail and Google Drive. These are available through the use of a public cloud, accessible by any user with an account at any time. 


Private Cloud

Just like it sounds, a private cloud is a private network typically used by a single organization for security. The cloud can be easily managed onsite or offsite by outside groups or third party organizations. While much more costly than its public counterpart, private clouds are the better option for organizations that require the extra security and privacy.  


Cloud Hosting Models - WesTecHybrid Cloud

In a hybrid cloud, organizations make use of a combination of private and public cloud infrastructure. The most common use is when an organization needs to quickly scale up their IT infrastructure to provide the necessary cloud capacity, like an online retainer during the busy holiday season.



A Multi-cloud is any combination of public, private, and hybrid clouds. Within an organization, there might be multiple private clouds in addition to private clouds. These clouds can be interconnected or separate. The multi-cloud category is a catch-all for any mixture of clouds, therefore allowing for the most flexibility and customization.


Having cloud hosting trouble? We can help! WesTec Services is a trusted and experienced IT services provider located in the Houston area. Give us a call today or visit our website to see what WesTec can do for you. 

3 Signs IT's Time to Adopt a VoIP Phone System - WesTec

3 Signs It’s Time to Adopt a VoIP Phone System

Are you on the fence about upgrading to VoIP? Deciding to upgrade can be a tricky process but the most important step is understanding your current issues. Here are a few signs it’s time to make the transition to a VoIP Phone System:

Can’t Grow With Your Business3 SIGNS IT’S TIME TO ADOPT A VOIP PHONE SYSTEM - WesTec

If your company is looking to expand to new locations or is in a state of constant growth, VoIP could be the right solution for you. Traditional phone lines take a long time to add, maintenance is expensive, and moving your phone number with your business can be tricky. VoIP allows new lines to be easily added within seconds and also includes access to many other business benefits.


Costs Outweigh the Benefits

Is your traditional phone bill becoming costly and unpredictable? This may be a sign to upgrade your system. The cost of traditional phones continues to build over time, including costs for equipment, costs per line, international calls, and routine maintenance, while also lacking many of the benefits that VoIP phones include for free.

By switching to a cloud computing system, local calls are free and international calls require a miniscule fee in comparison to the cost of a traditional phone call. VoIP phones connect through the internet, removing the need for a majority of the equipment and maintenance associated with normal phone lines.  

Lacks Important Features

The larger your business, the more important it is for the company to be working at a level of full productivity. You may think your phone system is doing enough, but why keep using one that takes more of your time to use while also costing you money?   

VoIP phones have many advantageous features, including answering all calls, routing them to the intended recipient, monitoring call quality, and automatically transcribing voicemails. Each of these features saves your company time and money, all while making the workplace easier for everyone. Consider taking your business to the next level with VoIP. 


Our team will help you decide which system best suits your business and its needs. With our streamlined and rapid set-up process, you’ll be making and receiving VoIP calls in just a matter of minutes. Interested in learning more? Contact WesTec Services today! Do you find our blog posts to be beneficial and informative? Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn so you don’t miss an update!

3 Small Business Tech Trends of 2021 - WesTec Services

3 Small Business Tech Trends of 2021

It’s hard to believe we are already halfway through 2021! It’s been a whirlwind year thus far, but we have seen many advancements in business technology. As remote work becomes the new normal, businesses everywhere have begun adopting new technology and software to make this transition easier. Here are a few small business tech trends that have proven to be revolutionary this year:

3 Small Business Tech Trends of 2021 - WesTec Services

AI-Operated CRMs

In 2021, small businesses everywhere are looking to streamline their work with CRM software. AI-operated CRMs (Customer Relationship Management) allow businesses to effectively identify, track, and target leads through automated campaigns. Businesses have found that CRMs are a more effective approach to their sales processes, as this software produces more personalized customer engagement.


Remote Onboarding

Since the pandemic, many industries are making the switch to remote work. As smooth and successful as this transition has been for some, remote work may become a more long-term option. Now, businesses are implementing remote onboarding software to simplify and expedite the hiring process. This new software is more convenient and cost-effective than traditional hiring processes.

3 Small Business Tech Trends of 2021 - WesTec Services

Centralized, Comprehensive HR Software

Remote work provides so much ease and convenience for employees and executives alike. However, with limited human-to-human contact, HR departments have had difficulty keeping up with the needs of their employees. With the introduction of centralized HR software, HR professionals can automate daily processes and store data. This software will also improve performance management and employee communication.


At WesTec Services, business technology is our specialty. From Managed Services and Network Installation to IT Consulting and more, we’re your one-stop shop. From computer hardware and software to telephone systems and integrated security, we’ll make it all work seamlessly together. 

Interested in learning more about the services we offer? Visit our website or contact WesTec Services today!

Want to stay up-to-date on emerging business technology trends? Visit our blog.

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn!

What is 5G? - WesTec Services

What is 5G?

The world of technology is constantly evolving and presenting new ideas that promise ease, reliability, and productivity. 5G is one of these innovations and is not falling short of its promises. 

5G has revolutionized telecommunications as we know it. You’ve probably heard of 5G, but what is it and why do we need it? Here’s everything you need to know:


What is it?

5G is the fifth-generation mobile network that creates an Internet of Things (IoT) by connecting everything, including machines, objects, and devices. 5G boasts better data speeds, greater network capacity, and lower latency — ultimately creating an enhanced mobile broadband and improving user experience.

With these new, more reliable capabilities, this network has opened the door to new possibilities for industries across the board. For instance, 5G has made remote healthcare possible; this was especially groundbreaking for the healthcare industry in the midst of the recent global pandemic.


The Benefits  

The perceived benefits of 5G surpass those of its predecessors. With its ability to support a wide range of industries, we can expect to see massive economic growth. According to QualComm, it is projected that this network will enable a $13.1 trillion flow of goods and services by 2035. Additionally, with all the new, emerging applications, this network has the opportunity to create 22.8 million new jobs.

With lower latency, industries like agriculture, manufacturing, and logistics will experience less wait time before completing a data transfer — less wait time means increased productivity! Furthermore, with its enhanced network capacity, 5G enables businesses everywhere to scale their technology.

For gamers, the higher speeds and minimal lag will improve the gaming experience. We can also expect virtual reality and augmented reality applications to become more popular, as the improved connectivity will allow for a more immersive experience.


5G was introduced in late 2019, so its availability is still somewhat limited in the United States. Want to stay up-to-date on all things 5G? Visit our blog for updates as we receive them.

Interested in learning more about the services we offer? Visit our website or contact WesTec Services today!

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Mission: WesTec will be a “turn-key” solution for all of its clients’ business connectivity needs. It will offer efficient and effective solutions, directly and with strategic partners, that create tangible value for its clients at every point of contact. Westec will serve all people and entities with a servant’s heart.

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2916 West TC Jester Blvd., Suite 104

Houston, TX 77018

(713) 682-4000


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